Schools & Kids Activities
Schools & Kids Activities

Oscar Academy's November Sustainability Series

Recycling materials in schools is not just a practical waste management strategy; it's an investment in a sustainable future. It empowers students with the knowledge and skills needed to address environmental challenges and contribute to a greener, more responsible society. Embracing recycling and sustainability, schools play a vital role in shaping environmentally conscious citizens who will continue to make positive contributions to the planet throughout their lives.

School Talks: Caring for Mother Earth in the Eyes of Children

This initiative is in participation with Qatar Green Building Council’s 2018 Sustainability Week which is scheduled to occur 30th of October 2018.


The lecture will be led by one of our Sustainability advocates which aims to provide relevant information to the students about understanding sustainability and how we can take care of our environment as part of our social responsibility with the following goals below:


KAHRAMAA Awareness Park Visits

There’s so much to discover at KAHRAMAA Awareness Park! You’ll be taken on an exciting journey through the lifecycle of water, from how we in Qatar make our saltwater drinkable, to the best ways to conserve it. You’ll also learn about renewable energy, how it is made and the bright future Qatar has planned by using it. To visit, register through Kahramaa Awareness Park website www.kap.qa

Phoenix Private School Earth Hour

On the 1st of November 2018, The Phoenix Private School will ‘go dark’.

For a period of one hour all electricity will be switched off and no electronic teaching resources will be used.

During this time the impact of electricity consumption on a global scale will be explained to the students.

Earth Hour is a symbol of Phoenix Private School’s commitment to our planet.