To raise awareness and promote sustainability, our young learners will engage in a comprehensive week of learning activities. Reduction of Paper Wastage and Reusing the Junk: We will talk about the reduction of paper usage and students from all classes will use their creativity to prepare the craft by reusing junk papers. Our Mini Green Garden: Students will delve into the art of planting and nature exploration. They will sow seeds and cultivate a petite garden in the school's outdoor space, contributing to the promotion of sustainability. An Unplugged Nature Lesson: Encouraging students to embrace a break from electrical usage, we will prompt them to turn off lights for an hour. An interactive outdoor lesson will ensue as part of our celebration of Sustainability Week. Parental Involvement Initiative In a collaborative effort with parents, students will be tasked with activities such as turning off lights for a designated period, embarking on a walk with parents, recording a video of their nature exploration, and discussing well-being. Trash Reduction Campaign: Students will actively participate in minimizing waste generation. They will learn the art of segregating trash into distinct bins, such as paper bins and plastic bins, promoting responsible waste management.

Al Wakra
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Ammara Ansari
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25.284077238429, 51.51199665
Organization Name
The Next Generation School
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Falcon street