"Clean Your Desk Paper Recycling Program"

This awareness campaign would be focused on giving an opportunity for office employees/ school students to clean their desks/class rooms and help the environment by removing unnecessary papers and documents and then submitting these to the HSSE booth located at the student center.

Participants would be given information on the benefits of recycling, also sharing information such as: how many trees are used to produce paper, how many trees are saved when we recycle, also tips on paper conservation would be given. This will be an interactive session.

Environmental Research Contest for Students

The Qur’anic Botanic Garden “QBG”, Member of Qatar Foundation organizes the "Environmental Research Contest” for the third academic year 2018-2019 in collaboration with the Scientific Research Skills Section of the Curriculum & Learning Resources Department, Ministry of Education and Higher Education and Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) within the National Environmental Research Contest in Qatar.

Environment Research Contest

The Qur’anic Botanic Garden “QBG”, Member of Qatar Foundation organizes the "Environmental Research Contest” for the third academic year 2018-2019 in collaboration with the Scientific Research Skills Section of the Curriculum & Learning Resources Department, Ministry of Education and Higher Education and Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) within the National Environmental Research Contest in Qatar.

Development Drivers of Water, Food, and Energy Nexus in Arid Regions – the Case of the Gulf Countries

The event will be in the form of a workshop that includes lectures and activities. The main idea is to analyze the water, food, and energy security in the GCC countries using water-food-energy nexus approach. The innovative focus is on identifying past and future development-based drivers of water-energy-food integration in the region.

مسابقة البحوث البيئية لطلاب المرحلة الإعدادية والثانوية

تنظم حديقة القرآن النباتية عضو مؤسسة قطر للتربية والعلوم وتنمية المجتمع "مسابقة البحوث البيئية" في نسختها الثالثة للعام الأكاديمي 2018-2019م، والتي تنظمها الحديقة بالتعاون مع قسم البحث العلمي بإدارة المناهج وزارة التعليم والتعليم العالي والصندوق القطري لرعاية البحث العلمي ضمن المسابقة الوطنية للبحث العلمي في دولة قطر.


As part of our phased approach to recycling, with processes already in place to manage our recycled waste, QNB has begun installation of paper recycling bins in QNB offices and mixed recycling bins at selected branches.