مسابقة ومجلة مواهب الاستدامة 2021

مسابقة ومجلة مواهب الاستدامة 2021، هي مسابقة وطنية على مستوى المدارس الشريكة لمنظمة علم لأجل قطر وتهدف الى إكتشاف وتنمية المواهب في مدارس دولة قطر، وإثراء الحياة التعليمية بمفاهيم وقيم الاستدامة المنبثقة من رؤية قطر 2030، وتعزيز التعاون والشراكة وتبادل الخبرات والمعرفة بين مدارس دولة قطر. سيشارك في المسابقة ما لا يقل عن 50 طالب وطالبة وسيتم إصدار مجلة مواهب الاستدامة إلكترونياً وتوزيع نسخة ورقية منها تحفظ في مكتبة المدارس المشاركة.

Carpool to School

Children and staff carpool to school or walk to school on the 7th and 8th of November.During the Qatar Sustainability Week October 23-30th October DESS is on mid term break . Hence, we will be celebrating Qatar Sustainability Week at DESS from 7th to 11th November.

E-waste Recycling Drive

Bureau Veritas International is committed to play an active role in participating QF's E-waste Recycling Drive Campaign's commitment to its e-waste disposal/environmental policy. We will continue to promote, develop and implement waste prevention, reduction, reuse and recycling in a systematic and cost effective manner.

Qatar Sustainability Week

As part of Qatar Sustainability Week, Intercontinental Doha The City is featuring its commitment to sustainability by offering guests the option to re-use linens and showcasing its green hotel cleaning products.

The hotel also limits water waste and implements energy-conserving lighting methods.

Sustainable Stationary at School

In partnership with our students' award-winning business JABSEED, Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions in Qatar is hosting an afternoon of sustainability activities. We will be handing out JABSEED's recycled and plant-able pens and notebooks to over 300 students, faculty, and staff members.

We will be showing multiple videos about reusing and recycling materials to make them more useful to us. JABSEED just recently won the Best High School Social Impact Award from their participation in INJAZ Business Competition.

Doha Metro: Sustainability Initiatives

Doha Metro is the backbone of Qatar’s vision for an integrated public transport system, one that promotes sustainable transport and supports several key elements of the Qatar National Vision 2030. The Metro aims to revolutionize the way people move around Doha; as it serves most of the capital’s locations quickly, conveniently and safely - making it a far more sustainable option to the private car.