
Description: QFCRA CSR initiatives, “ MubadaRAh “ during the Qatar sustainability week 2020


Be’atna platform (the RA’s environmental Programme) 


QLA Peace Garden

QLA Peace Garden

Students and staff will be planting around 40 trees in preparation of creating QLA peace garden. We will be creating this garden in our compound. We will try to incorporate the school next door in our project.

Moving towards sustainability

The students in the school will be engaged in various activities which are mentioned below;

  1. Donate used books to the school library and relevant charity organizations.
  2. Plant seeds around the school.
  3. Poster competition, reflecting back Qatar’s national identity and values, along with its journey towards its objectives towards sustainability goals.
  4. Creating trash bins using recyclable material.

Virtu-Real #bigbmeetup

A Round Table Eco Talk on Sustainability in Qatar

We all need to instill Sustainabiltiy in our lifestyle. Estedama is one of the four pillars of #bigbmeetup. On the occasion of Qatar Sustainabilty Week 2021 The 64th episode of Qatar's popular community outreach initiative sheds light on sustainability in Qatar.

Featuring enterprising young Qatari female green ambassador Aisha Al Maadeed and Fatima Mohammed.

Zero Waste Day

Students and staff will take up the challenge of living a full day of their life without creating any waste that is disposed to a landfill or burned.

The aim is to help us understand how human lifestyle was adapted to consume resources unsustainably, but at the same time how easily we can re-adapt our lives, so we get more out of the resources we consume while preserving nature.

We will use these five Rs to help us out: Refuse what you don’t need such as plastics and ‘free stuff’

Reduce what you are purchasing (Including packaging)

Recycle and Reduce food waste

As a part of Lulu's continuous improvement plan in furthering their goal towards sustainability and environmental protection Lulu Hypermarket in their bin Mahmoud store has invested and partnered with a service provider who offered an innovative food waste solution ORCA .

ORCA technology simply mimics a natural digestion process by creating a thermophilic environment for the microorganisms governed by ORCA and biochips to digest food waste into liquid which is filtered safely through a 0.5mm screen into the existing drainage system.

Qatar sustainability week awareness

Novo Nordisk employees in Qatar are actively participating by implementing the suggested actions by Qatar sustainability week:

1)    Switch off unused lights and electronics

2)    Set AC temperature to 22– 24 ◦c when needed

3)    Reduce Food Waste /Save my leftovers for later / Store food properly

4)    Think twice before I print

5)    Take advantage of daylight /Connect to nature

6)    Choose healthy food options