محاضرة توعوية لأفراد وضباط الدفاع المدني بالظعاين
الرياضة والصحة العنصر الأساسي للاستدامة
الرياضة والصحة العنصر الأساسي للاستدامة
November is the diabetes awareness month. In this workshop, our EHS officer, Eishah, is aiming to raise awareness about diabetes by explaining what the disease is, its symptoms, and how it is treated and controlled. In Siemens, we care about our employees' health and wellness and we aim to have a very healthy and safe working environment.
Olympic Day for Awfaz Global School-Izghawa on NOV 1st 2018
In line with the Qatar Sustainability Week, Evergreen Organics will be having a beach clean up activity this coming November 2.
We're promoting awareness on everyone to stop throwing trash especially in beaches as these trash can be mistaken as a food source by marine animals once it gets to the ocean.