Olympic Day for Awfaz Global School-Izghawa on NOV 1st 2018


All of the students in the school are to engage in sporty activities in an effort to promote healthy living. By participating in fun activities, along with being encouraged to eat healthily, students will have not only healthy minds, but healthy body's. This event follows a week long series of lectures and events all about healthy eating and well-being, kindly supported by Hamad Hospital.

Sack Race:

Students must jump their way to the marker, turn and come back to the next person in the team.

Getting out of the sack and getting the next person in looks tricky, but the time doesn’t stop.

Continue until everyone has had a jump.

The first team to have all players to jump and then sit win.

Tug Of War:

Find a spot on the ground to mark as the middle. The objective is for one team to pull the other over the mark on the ground.

To start someone yells “GO” and everyone starts Pulling as hard as they can.

Until one team crumbles and they’re all pulled across the line.

Egg and Spoon Race:

Arrange all students at start line with an egg and spoon each.

When you are ready to start the race, ask them to place the egg onto their spoon and then place their other arm behind their back.

When you say go, the students will race as fast as they can without the egg rolling off the spoon to the finish line.

If the egg falls, the students starts again!

Whoever crosses the finish line first with their egg still balanced on their spoon and an arm behind their back, wins.

Three Legs Race:

Tie one Player’s left leg to The other player’s right leg and line the teams up.

Practice walking together until you get a rhythm going and then try hopping or running.

When all teams are steady, let the race begin!

The first team to the finish line wins.

Slide Tag:

Players attempt to get from one end to the other without being touched by the defenders.

The defenders can only slide along their line and can reach out to tag others without coming off the line. Once a player passes them safely they can no longer tag that player. If the player makes it through all three lines without being touched they pick up a ball ( only one) and run back on the outside of the court and place the ball in their basket at the start line and the players try to make it through again.

The tem with most balls are the winners

Ball In The Bucket:

Each team will have a number of balls and a bucket placed at a distance

Students take turns to throw the ball and aim for the bucket

The team with most balls are the winners

Steal The Bean:

-Students divided into 4 groups and give themselves numbers

-Instructor stands in the middle, calls out numbers holding a piece of cloth that the players must try to steal before the other teams and return to their team tag free. Other team players must try to tag the player who steals the cloth

-If the player reaches their team tag free then their team scores a point

-If the other players tag them before reaching their teams, then they will earn the point

Musical Hoops:

Set up the hoops in the ground scattered around safely. Have three less than the number of the players. Play the music and have the players running in the court. When the music is turned off all the players must jump in a hoop and whoever doesn’t have a hoop is out.

In case two players inside one hoop, then both players are out.

Repeat and keep taking hoops away and last player standing wins.

Hurdle Race:

Set up 3 hurdles for each team with start and end point. To start the race with the four teams whet they are ready in the lines. Continue until everyone has had a turn. The first team to have all players run and sit win.



Bicycles race:

Four teams to start the race with every player on standby on their bicycles. Players begin cycling at the start point marked with a cone to the opposite marked cone and “U” turn.

The start point is also the end point.

Continue until everyone has had a turn. The first team to have all players completed the cycles and back win.

Wheelbarrow Race:

Students race in pairs: one member race with their hands on the ground while the second member holds their partner’s ankles and run behind them.

Continue until every pairs has had a turn. The first team to have all players run and sit back down will win.











Basketball shooting for 10 Min.

Up to 10: First team to score 10 shots are the winners.

2 teams up first then the other 2 teams

Each team has no more than 3 minutes

The 2 winning teams pay against each other for the remaining 4 minutes

Basketball match for 10 Min.

5 on 5

The winning teams play against each other

Football penalties for 10 Min.

Each team has 3 minutes to score

The teams with most scores are the winners

Winning teams play against each other for the remaining 4 minutes

Football match for 10 Min.

5 on 5

The winning teams play against each other



Contact Email
Contact Name
Graham Burton
Contact Phone
End Date
25.3563296, 51.4284148
Olympic Day
Organization Name
Awfaz Global School, Izghawa
Start Date
Awfaz Global School, Ar-Rayyan, Qatar