Introduction to Sustainability in Facility Management
A Sustainability seminar for the management Assets and Project Department of MOCS that will discuss about relevant topics in Sustainability to facility management that will be facilitated by representative from Qatar Green Building Council.
School Talks: Caring for Mother Earth in the Eyes of Children
This initiative is in participation with Qatar Green Building Council’s 2018 Sustainability Week which is scheduled to occur 30th of October 2018.
The lecture will be led by one of our Sustainability advocates which aims to provide relevant information to the students about understanding sustainability and how we can take care of our environment as part of our social responsibility with the following goals below:
Why, when and how? An easy way to start your sustainability journey.
During this presentation Students at the Jordanian School will be learning about the importance of preserving the environment. Using simple and fun examples, they will discover easy ways to start their sustainability journey. This presentation will be done in english.
Why, how and when? An easy way to start your sustainability journey
During this presentation Students at the Jordanian School will be learning about the importance of preserving the environment. Using simple and fun examples, they will discover easy ways to start their sustainability journey. This presentation will be done in english.
محاضرة توعوية لأفراد وضباط امن الشمال بالظعاين عن الاستدامة
صحة الإنسان هي العنصر الأساسي للاستدامة وأداء أي عمل أو نشاط اجتماعي أو اقتصادي يخدم مبادىء الاستدامة في دولة قطر.
Reduce - Reuse - Recycle
Introduction to Sustainability in Facility Management
A Sustainability seminar for the employees of Mosanada MOCS Project that will discuss about relevant topics in Sustainability to facility management that will be facilitated by representative from Qatar Green Building Council.
QSW in Football Development Department
1- Lights Off, the lights to be off in the whole building during the week (except the necessary lights for CCTV).
2- Paperless Week, one full week without papers, later after November 3rd will be printing papers in both sides if needed, then will collect all papers and send them for recycling.
3- Glasses for Water, no bottles to be used during this week and we will use glasses instead and later after Nove
Unity for the Sea: Beach Cleanup Drive
In celebration of the Qatar Sustainability Week happening on the 27th of October until 3rd of November 2018, Mosanada MOCS Project volunteers will organize a beach clean-up drive in the 2nd of November (Friday) from 3pm-6pm.
The clean-up drive aims to:
1. Give back to the community by keeping the Sealine beach litter free.