
Segregation Program

Segregation of Waste  is extremely important as waste has a huge negative impact on our environment. It helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. It also reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills. Conserves natural resources such as Trees & Water &  Saves Energy.

We have Started proper Segregation program at hotel in October 2018

We are Recycling Plastic, Cans, Used Oil & Paper/Carton boxes in Kitchen, Outlets, Banquet, Offices, Guest rooms.

No plastics day at Portland

Portland is a full-service communications agency. Its Doha office has challenged staff to say no to disposable plastic for 24 hours during Qatar Sustainability Week 2018. That means no plastic bottles, no take-away food containers, and no plastic bags! On the back of this challenge, Portland's Doha office will look at how it can reduce its plastic consumption going forwards.

فعالية الوزارة باسبوع قطر للاستدامه

-ترشيح عدد من الموظفين حضور المؤتمر وتقديم ورقة عمل حول الحماية القانونية للبيئة في قطر.

-تنظيم اسبوع بلا ورق.

-التعريف بمواصفات مبنى الوزارة التي تلبي متطلبات الابنية الخضراء من حيث توفير الطاقه.

-توزيع شتلات صغيرة على الموظفين للتعريف باهمية الحفاظ على البيئة.

تاريخ البدا من 28 وحتى 3 ايام