
Eco-Energy Evaluation for Sustainable Operations

In this initiative, The QNCC team conducts a meticulous examination of energy infrastructure, consumption patterns, and operational processes. QNCC identify inefficiencies, energy waste, and areas for improvement. Through cutting-edge technology and industry-leading practices, we pinpoint opportunities for integrating renewable and eco-friendly energy solutions. Our goal is to help reduce our carbon footprint, lower energy costs, and enhance overall operational sustainability


Company Initiatives: RECYCLE • Used plastic bottles will be collected from all the Nehmeh locations and showrooms. • Proceeds of the collectibles will go to charitable deeds. REUSE • Used sheets of paper will be collected from all the Nehmeh locations and showrooms. • Collected sheets will be bound and repurposed into notebooks for office reusing. REDUCE • During the week-long initiative, an “Energy-Saving Nehmeh Products” awareness will be held. • Certain Nehmeh locations will have a corner that’s dedicated for showcasing the Nehmeh products that have lower energy requirements when used.

Green Qatar with Coffee

We will initiate the collection of coffee waste from our shops and use this coffee waste in the garden. We will conduct a "Zero-Waste Week" removing disposable goods and replacing them with non-disposable cups, and cutlery. We will provide Eco bags to our B2B customers to collect coffee waste and will use them for garden fertilizer.

Go Green with Recycling - Year 3

Sustainability is a top priority at The Avenue Hotel, and we are excited to announce our initiative in collaboration with Elite paper recycling factory. Our sustainability project is running for its third year and it aims to reduce our environmental impact by recycling the paper trash generated on our facilities. Through this collaboration, we collect and separate paper trash, such as newspapers, magazines, paper cups, cardboard boxes, paper towels, and used office paper, to guarantee that it is recycled appropriately.

مبادرة إعادة تدوير الأدوات الكهربائية والالعاب الالكترونية لاستخدامها بمشاريع البحث العلمي

مبادرة إعادة تدوير الأدوات الكهربائية والألعاب الإلكترونية لاستخدامها في مشاريع البحث العلمي هي خطوة مهمة نحو تعزيز الاستدامة وتقليل النفايات الإلكترونية. تتضمن هذه المبادرة مجموعة من الخطوات التي يمكن أن تساهم في تحقيق هذا الهدف: 1. **جمع وفحص الأجهزة والألعاب:** - تبدأ المبادرة بجمع الأدوات الكهربائية والألعاب الإلكترونية من المستهلكين أو الشركات. - تُفحص هذه الأدوات والألعاب لتحديد ما إذا كانت قابلة لإعادة التدوير واستخدامها في مشاريع البحث العلمي. 2. **إصلاح وتجديد:** - يتم إجراء الصيانة والإصلاحات الضرورية للأدوات والألعاب لضمان أدائها السليم.

Greening the Workplace: A Sustainability Initiative

In Pursuit of Sustainability: Techno Q's Green Office Transformation Techno Q launched the "Greening the Workplace: A Sustainability Initiative" by introducing lush natural greenery throughout the office, including every individual workspace. This endeavor aimed to infuse a natural and vibrant ambiance into the workplace, positively influencing both the office's aesthetics and Qatar's environmental sustainability efforts.