
Composting workshop for a greener campaign

The Composting Workshop is a pivotal event within our "Greener Campus" campaign, designed to empower students with Qatar Foundation (aged 15 and above) with the knowledge and practical skills required for sustainable waste management. This hands-on workshop, scheduled for Sustainability Week 2023 on 8th November, aims to introduce composting as a tool for reducing waste and enriching our environment.


Language Agora is a Social Sustainability initiative dedicated to fostering sustainable communities and promoting integration through language and culture in a relaxed and inclusive setting. It brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds to celebrate the richness of the linguistic and cultural diversity in Qatar. Participants engage in meaningful conversations, share their stories, and learn from one another in a casual setup, whether they are native speakers or simply passionate about a particular language or culture.

Green Spaces

We are actively promoting the integration of green spaces within our office premises, and we strongly encourage each of our employees to embrace this initiative by having a green plant. Not only do these plants enhance air quality, but they also foster a deeper connection to nature among our workforce.

Paperless Day

Construction Development Company is proudly joining Qatar Sustainability Week by dedicating November 4th as "Paperless Day." On this day, all printers in our offices and camps under CDC will be powered off, promoting a paperless work environment for the day. This initiative aligns with our commitment to reducing paper consumption and supporting sustainability efforts.

مشروع إعادة تدوير البلاستيك والقماش

الفكرة الأساسية هي الاستفادة من عملية التدوير في ابتكار منتج يساهم في تقليل استخدام الطاقة الكهربائية كطاقة اساسية والاستعاضة عنها بالطاقة الشمسية و حل الكثير من المشاكل مثل التعليم والصحة ونشر ثقافة الطاقة النظيفة والمتجددة ويحافظ علي البيئة ويحقق مفهم الريادة الاجتماعية ويدعم أهداف التنمية المستدامة اسم المشروع (استدامة) الرسالة والرؤية: وعي و تعليم , صحة, مستدامة وبيئة أمنة المنتجات الرئيسية (الحقائب المزودة بالواح الطاقة الشمسية ,الاثاث, معدات لزوي الاعاقة,(كراسي تعمل بالطاقة ,عصاء تعمل بالطاقة)والالعاب والإنارة, الشحن والاستخدامات البسيطة ) الحقائب الطبية (يشتمل النظام على بطارية ليثيو

ECOPact - The Green Concrete

ECOPact low-carbon concrete delivers 100% performance offering at least 30% lower CO2 emissions compared to standard (CEM I) concrete. With ECOPact, we are committed to helping our customers reduce the footprint of their buildings and infrastructure to build better with less and decarbonize construction.

E-waste Drive 2023

This drive is an electronic waste recycling drive which is open to the community. Individuals are welcome to bring in their old electronics to education city for recycling. E-waste collection bins will be placed around several locations within education city. For more information, please contact aghani@qf.org.qa

Indigenous Tree Planting Activity

This programme addresses increasing concerns about climate change and the role humans and corporations can play in mitigating this impact. By planting indigenous trees with our expert guidance, organizations can contribute to combating desertification, protecting biodiversity and offsetting its carbon footprint. This project is connected with technology with our partner EcoMatcher. Every tree planted is trackable and can be viewed, named and gifted as a digital certificate. Join us in this mission!