More Energy Efficient Office Spaces

We are a Smart Solutions Company and we have recommendations to make to office spaces more energy efficient, more comfortable and more environmentally friendly. This is a brief of what we we would like to conduct: Building automation control systems play a crucial role in optimizing energy consumption by automating various functions such as lighting, heating, cooling, and ventilation. It is expected that energy efficiency in buildings can be further improved in office spaces due to its high energy consumption levels.


Myself sabira , lettering and pyrography artist, based in Doha, focus on creating sustainable art and decor by making Woodsign’s using reclaimed wood to keep it out of the landfill. The workshop will focus on using up-cycled pallet wood to create signs, and small toys in different shapes like animals and flowers for kids. And workshops for adults where they can create lettering on wood

Energy Efficiency & RetrofitTech Qatar Summit

The Energy Efficiency & RetrofitTech Qatar Summit is taking place on 7 - 8 November 2023 at Hilton Doha, Qatar. This 2-day Summit will be the region’s important gathering of government entities and key stakeholders across retrofitting, energy efficiency, and sustainability sectors to discuss strategies for implementing advanced technologies and practices to aid the transition to a more sustainable economy.

The Head Guy Podcast: Unveiling Sustainability Initiatives in Qatar

Qatar Sustainability Week has consistently garnered our support at Ginger Camel for the past seven years. During this year's edition, we have been committed to promoting sustainable practices and initiatives by featuring forward-thinking business owners and event organizers on our podcasts. Our journey began with the "Your Onion Podcast" and has now evolved to "The Head Guy Podcast" for this year's edition.

مشروع إعادة تدوير البلاستيك والقماش

الفكرة الأساسية هي الاستفادة من عملية التدوير في ابتكار منتج يساهم في تقليل استخدام الطاقة الكهربائية كطاقة اساسية والاستعاضة عنها بالطاقة الشمسية و حل الكثير من المشاكل مثل التعليم والصحة ونشر ثقافة الطاقة النظيفة والمتجددة ويحافظ علي البيئة ويحقق مفهم الريادة الاجتماعية ويدعم أهداف التنمية المستدامة اسم المشروع (استدامة) الرسالة والرؤية: وعي و تعليم , صحة, مستدامة وبيئة أمنة المنتجات الرئيسية (الحقائب المزودة بالواح الطاقة الشمسية ,الاثاث, معدات لزوي الاعاقة,(كراسي تعمل بالطاقة ,عصاء تعمل بالطاقة)والالعاب والإنارة, الشحن والاستخدامات البسيطة ) الحقائب الطبية (يشتمل النظام على بطارية ليثيو

Youth Environmental Empowerment Initiative

لتحقيق بعض اهداف التنمية المستدامة قمت بانشاء نادي بيئي في المدرسة واستكملته بجمعية من اهدفها انشطة لتوعية الاطفال وارشادهم حول تطبيق هذه الاهدف وخاصة البيئية مثل فرز النفايات واعادة استعمالها وارشادهم الى التقليل من استعمال الموارد وأهمية المياه وغيرها )

Indigenous Tree Planting Activity

This programme addresses increasing concerns about climate change and the role humans and corporations can play in mitigating this impact. By planting indigenous trees with our expert guidance, organizations can contribute to combating desertification, protecting biodiversity and offsetting its carbon footprint. This project is connected with technology with our partner EcoMatcher. Every tree planted is trackable and can be viewed, named and gifted as a digital certificate. Join us in this mission!