Carrefour Qatars' Sustainability Pledges

As an integral part of our sustainable company pledge, we are dedicated to: · Our implementation of comprehensive Waste Segregation Projects and Recycling initiatives for Plastic, E-waste, Food, Carton, Used cooking oil and Wood has been a resounding success, resulting in a remarkable 3,600 tons diverted from landfills, equivalent to a 36% reduction in waste sent to landfill sites. · Embracing the adoption of Eco-friendly products (wooden cutleries and Biodegradable products) as a pivotal step to significantly reduce our environmental footprint.

Energy Efficiency & Carbon Footprint Initiatives

Since 2016, Carrefour Qatar has achieved significant energy savings, amounting to 7,200 tons of CO2 emissions. This accomplishment is the result of our commitment to incorporating a range of sustainable technologies, including LED lights, water optimization and tuning, double glazing doors, capacitor banks, retrofit chillers, and VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) for refrigeration compressors. We have also introduced water-saving measures such as tap aerators, reducers, and sensors, as well as condensate water collection.

Skydrops Sustainable Water Technologies

Skydrops Sustainable Water Technologies specializes in utilizing atmospheric humidity to generate pure water through our innovative Atmospheric Water Generation Systems. Our advanced technology is focused on sustainability and environmental responsibility, aiming to have a significant positive impact on Qatar's water resources. We are delighted to offer a variety of ultra-pure atmospheric alkaline water products.

مبادرة تشجير

نحن مبادرة تشجير نرغب في تشجير طريق الشمال وتجميله بعمل زراعة تستفيد منها الاسر ذات الدخل المحدود خاصة السيدات كبار السن ممن لديهن عزب وتحتاج لمنتج يسد احتياجها او من اشخاص من ذوي الدخل المحدود يرغبون في بيع العلف على العزب لتوسيع مواردهم. وتوفير فرص عمل والاستفادة من الموارد الطبيعية المتجددة وتحلية المياه بطرق متعددة

Anhar Culture and Climate Platform

Art Jameel and the British Council are launching a major programme to fund and nurture the role of the arts in addressing the climate crisis. Anhar: Culture and Climate Platform, a three-tiered programme that invites artists, collectives, and institutions based in the Arab world to submit proposals that engage meaningfully with the climate emergency. The Open Call launched October 4, with applications accepted through to December 15, 2023. For more information: