Fun Recycled Art Session To Teach Kids Sustainability

Children learn best when doing and art offers them great opportunity to create something with their own hands. For this reason we will be practicing Decoupage art to introduce larger themes such as sustainability in a more approachable manner. We will be using old cans, jars , scraps of colourful papers and acrylic paints to create a unique beautiful decorative art. Craft idea for decoupage is not only great for gifting, but this upcycling project is also easy enough for little helping hands to join in!

IHG Green Engage

Our voco standards are built on sustainability – we want our guests to know we’re looking after the planet with the same care we’re looking after them.

Our adoption of large bathroom amenities is allowing us to reduce plastic waste by 80%, while the “green ingredients” inside them are obtained from sustainable or renewable plant-based origins, the sourcing of which does not negatively impact our ecosystems. To maximise our guests’ enjoyment of their “Me time”, we’ve also seized the chance to fill our super-comfortable bedding with 100% recycled materials.

ازرع مدرستك

تقوم المبادرة على زراعة المساحات المكشوفة داخل الحرم المدرسة و ريها باساليب تضمن استدامة مياه الري و ذلك من خلال :

1- عمل شبكة تصريف مياه التبريد في المدرسة تتكون من انابيب تربط نظام تصريف معظم اجهزة التكييف لتنتهي عبر انابيب تمتد داخل المساحات المزروعة تكون هذه الانابيب داخل المزرعة مثقًبة من الجانيبن ليتم من خلالها ري المزروعات .

The Next Generation School – Ain Khalid Drives for Sustainability

Throughout the week, the students will be engaged in various activities to promote sustainability:

1.      Paper Savers (Reusing Scrap Paper) – Learners will be reusing scrap paper from home for any activities that will require paper in school.

2.      No Disposables Day (Refusing single-use plastics) – Learners will reflect on which disposable items they use in their daily lives and what can be a suitable replacement for them to promote zero waste.

Creating Flourishing Communities

Flourishing Minds Consultants are systemic change consultants catering to a diverse community of global citizens. We collaborate with community members, and partner with industry leaders across diverse businesses and educational sectors to create healthier communities, workspaces, and learning environments. We bring together various dimensions of wellness and delve deeper to motivate, inspire, nurture, develop, and sustain an ecosystem of wellness.

Sustainability Awareness Sessions

The main objective of these sessions is to raise awareness on sustainability issues, and in line with our Dare Today, Change Tomorrow strategy. We started to roll out the training sessions for our employees and suppliers to share with them sustainability approach, resource conservation and talked about possible initiatives for cooperation in sustainable future.