Our Little Eco-Champions

From November 4th to the 11th, our preschoolers will take on an important responsibility. They will dedicate two days during this week to planting trees and and for preparing lunch boxes filled with vegetables and fruits, promoting the "eat your greens" theme. Additionally, each day throughout this week, they will begin their mornings by singing songs with an environmental theme.

Awareness Campaigns

Collaborating with environmental NGOs in Qatar, to organize a small summit to discuss sustainability and the 2030 vision. Additionally, students will lead awareness campaigns by creating flyers and PowerPoint presentations to share information about recycling campaigns and sustainability in their classrooms.

Sustainability Marathon

For our Sustainability Marathon, students will be encouraged to dress up using recycled materials. This creative approach aims to raise awareness among all students. During the event, students will tour the school in their unique recycled outfits, adding an element of fun and music to the occasion.

Putting Recycling Plans into Action: Paper and Plastic

During the week of November 4th to 11th, LSQ students will initiate recycling practices with a focus on both paper and plastic:

• Students will be responsible for collecting empty plastic bottles, which will then be brought to the school. At the end of the week, the collected plastic bottles will be transported to the nearby AlMeera supermarket for processing through their recycling machine. The points or vouchers earned through this initiative will be utilized to purchase items from Al Meera as a token of appreciation for the school's helpers.

تدريب فريق العمل التطوعي المستدام

للعام الثاني على التوالي تواصل وحده الاستدامه ببلديه الوكره جهودها في تدريب فريق العمل التطوعي للاستدامه والذي تم اسناد دور ريادي له في ملف الاستدامه البيئيه ليكون جزءا مهما في تسليط الضوء على المشكلات البيئيه وايجاد الحلول فقد اجتمعت المهندسه سهى محمود رئيس وحده الاستدامه وموظفات الوحده بفريق الطلاب المشكل من مدارس الوكره وطالبات الجامعات القطريه وقامت بتوزيع مهام الفريق البيئيه عن العام القادم وملف مبادره (الوكره صديقه للاشخاص ذوي الاعاقه ) بما يخدم الهدفين الرابع والحادي عشر لاهداف التنميه المستدامه وقد شاركت الشركه () بتدريب الفريق على فرز النفايات العضويه من مصدرها وطريقه معالجتها في ن

Composting workshop for a greener campaign

The Composting Workshop is a pivotal event within our "Greener Campus" campaign, designed to empower students with Qatar Foundation (aged 15 and above) with the knowledge and practical skills required for sustainable waste management. This hands-on workshop, scheduled for Sustainability Week 2023 on 8th November, aims to introduce composting as a tool for reducing waste and enriching our environment.