MSC Qatar's Donation Drive

Engaging a team of 40 dedicated staff members, MSC Qatar is excited to announce the launch of a Donation Drive during Qatar Sustainability Week 2024. This initiative encourages all employees to contribute their gently used items: furniture, electric devices, garments....etc. By extending the life cycle and fostering a culture of giving, we aim to make a positive impact on both the environment and the lives of those in need. 

بطولة الرياضة للجميع للكيرم والدامة (بالتزامن مع اليوم العالمي للمسنيين)

تقديم حصص رياضية لكبار السن بمناسبة اليوم العالمي لكبار السن بالتعاون مع مركز احسان

الصحة والرفاهية لأسلوب حياة مستدام

"Qatar Sustainable Week: Building a Sustainable Tomorrow."

Our kindergarteners will engage in a comprehensive week of learning activities to raise awareness and promote sustainability. This initiative aligns with our participation in Qatar Sustainability Week 2024, where students will explore eco-friendly practices, participate in interactive projects, and deepen their understanding of the environment. Through these engaging activities, we aim to instill lifelong values of environmental stewardship in our students, empowering them to impact our planet positively.

The Pathway to Achieving 18% Renewable Energy Integration in Qatar by 2030

The Engineering Technology Department at the Community College of Qatar is celebrating Qatar Sustainability Week by hosting an awareness activity on Sunday, 29 September 2024

The event will feature a seminar titled “The Pathway to Achieving 18% Renewable Energy Integration in Qatar by 2030”, covering key initiatives such as solar energy projects, policy and infrastructure development, and economic incentives.