
Water Coolers not Plastic Bottles

As part of our Environmental Management practices in our Head-Office/PMC Project Offices CH2M implement a range of sustainability initiatives.

CH2M use Water Coolers in place of plastic water bottles, significantly cutting plastic waste streams from our Head Office & PMC offices.

Employees have previously been provided with porcelain mugs / water bottles to remove disposable plastic cups.

Haka Rugby Global 2017 Camp

Doha Rugby Football Centre is excited to welcome back Haka Rugby Global for the second time this year. The previous participants had the chance to practice new rugby skills, take part in educational team building activities, and learn what it’s like to be a part of a functioning rugby team.

KPMG in Qatar reduce reuse recycle initiative

At KPMG in Qatar, we have decided to launch a year-long programme to encourage better environmental practices across the firm. This will focus on the "reduce reuse recycle" messaging. 

We would like to launch the programme to tie-in with QSW (with your permission). We are starting with an internal campaign focused on paper use on 28 October to raise awareness amongst staff and encourage behaviour change. We are also hoping to engage a recycling firm to help us manage our paper waste by this time. 


Can you spare 2% of your day? Burn Fat, Build Muscle, Get Fit...all in 30 minutes!  Metafit is the original group X HIIT workout. 30 minute, non choreographed, bodyweight only workouts that set the metabolism on fire. Doha Rugby Football Centre invites you to trial one class free during Qatar Sustainability Week. Session times are at 8:00am and 5:00pm every weekday.