Seminars & Conferences
Seminars & Conferences

Better Places for People - Building Sustainability for People and Planet

As a member of The WorldGBC, QGBC promotes human comfort and wellbeing as an integral component of a green, sustainable built environment. Consequently the improved health, wellbeing and productivity of its occupants can be considered co-benefits of a sustainable building. As a building-focused organisation, we focus on features related to the building environment by promoting wellbeing as a component of a holistic approach to sustainability.

"ورشة " التنمية المستدامة تحفظ حقي وحقك

تحت شعار الاستدامة مسئولية كل مؤسسة و فرد في المجتمع سيتم انعقاد ورشة بعنوان " التنمية المستدامة تحفظ حقي وحقك " ، القاء د. ظبية السليطي استشاري تقييم اللجنة الوطنية للتربية و الثقافة و العلوم بتاريخ 29 أكتوبر 2019 من الساعة 9 الى 10:30 صباحا في مقر المدرسة للسيدات فقط 

Is low carbon transition possible in Qatar?

Climate change calls for radical solutions. The existing framework and vision are incapable of imagining and envisioning a new and bolder future that recognizes the limits to growth and at the same time, ensuring human well-being. The way we organize the economy and society, our interaction with natural systems must change and redefine prosperity and growth. Given our economic and societal dependence on fossil fuels, are we inextricably trapped into the fossil fuel system? Is there a way out of this quagmire? 

marketing of “Science for Sustainable Development 2019 Conference (SSD2019): Towards Integrated and Sustainable Resource Management”

Center for Sustainable Development (CSD), under the College of Arts and Sciences at Qatar University, is pleased to announce the “Science for Sustainable Development 2019 Conference (SSD2019): Towards Integrated and Sustainable Resource Management”. During the Conference, scientific advancements in sustainable development will be covered through 4 dedicated sessions, focused on:

- Food Security

- Waste Management

- Water Management

Jotun Sustainability Day - Qatar 2019

we are proudly inviting you to our first Jotun SUSTAINABILITY DAY for 2019 .

A day which will gather sustainability experts from different industry perspectives in Qatar’s very own sustainability park ( Kahramaa awareness park ) , talking about different ambitions , challenges and green building solutions .

Save the date , meet the experts and lets ( LOOK AT BUILDING GREEN DIFFERENTLY )