Seminars & Conferences
Seminars & Conferences

أهداف التنمية المستدامة وتطبيقاتها في مجال الإعاقة

ينظم مركز قطر الاجتماعي والثقافي للمكفوفين التابع لوزارة الثقافة لقاء حول( أهداف التنمية المستدامة وتطبيقاتها في مجال الإعاقة) يقدمها الدكتور/ علي آل إبراهيم في مقر المركز

التنمية المستدامة وأساسياتها في دولة قطر

ينظم نادي الجسرة الثقافي الاجتماعي التابع لوزارة الثقافة ورشة :" التنمية المستدامة وأساسياتها في دولة قطر" ، تقدمها الدكتورة / عائشة حمد الرميحي، الدكتورة والباحثة في مجاال التنمية المستدامة والطاقة

الكتابة الخضراء والقراءة المستدامة:"تراب وبحر .. مسرحية الدانة"

يزمع الملتقى القطري للمؤلفين التابع لوزارة الثقافة إطلاق مجموعة ندوات من شأنها تسليط الضوء على الإصدارات ذات العلاقة بالبيئة، والاستدامة، والتكنولوجيا الابتكار. 1. الكتابة الخضراء والقراءة المستدامة:"تراب وبحر .. مسرحية الدانة"- ( أ. ظبية السليطي ) الأحد 5 نوفمبر 2023 6:00pm

Masterclass: Why should students care and what is the University of Aberdeen doing about it?

This Masterclass will focus on how the University of Aberdeen is addressing sustainability challenges in its operations, research, and education under our Aberdeen 2040 commitments.

With Professor Tavis Potts leading a 2-way conversation with students and professionals, they will be able to explore what skills they can develop to embed sustainability in their career path and the options that are available to them in future careers as the green economy grows.


04:00 – 04:15 - Registration

Green Ventures for a sustainable Future: insights from Ghanim Al Sulaiti

Join us for an enlightening evening as we delve into the world of sustainable entrepreneurship with esteemed guest speaker Ghanim Al Sulaiti, owner of Enbat Holdings, which includes notable ventures such as papercut.qa, Bo_ta_ny, and Evergreen Org.

Ghanim brings a wealth of experience and a passionate commitment to environmental stewardship. During this event, Ghanim will share invaluable insights into how his ventures have been at the forefront of sustainable practices, making a positive impact on both business and the environment.

Sustainability Awareness Workshop

Carrefour Qatar, will engage the team in meaningful conversations and share their insights on sustainability. This initiative aims to educate and empower our team members, encouraging the adoption of sustainable practices in both their personal lives and the workplace. We firmly believe that by raising awareness and providing practical guidance, we can collectively contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. 

Employee Awareness Session with Kahramaa Conservation & Energy Department

Carrefour Qatar, in cooperation with Kahramaa Conservation & Energy Department, is hosting an employee awareness session.

 This initiative aims to educate and empower our team members, encouraging the adoption of sustainable practices in both their personal lives and the workplace. 

We firmly believe that by raising awareness and providing practical guidance, we can collectively contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.