Schools & Kids Activities
Schools & Kids Activities

Presentation at Doha British School: Plastic Pollution and the Climate Crisis "Leaders Wanted"

During Qatar Sustainability Week 2023, the students at Doha British School in Ain Khaled will actively participate in an insightful awareness and educational session. The focus will be learning about the global and local implications of plastic pollution and the climate crisis. The urgency of the matter is underscored by the United Nations' projection that, by 2050, our oceans could host more fish than plastic, provided immediate action is taken.

Presentation at Lebanese International School: Plastic Pollution and the Climate Crisis "Leaders Wanted"

During Qatar Sustainability Week 2023, the students at the Lebanese International School will actively participate in an insightful awareness and educational session. The focus will be learning about the global and local implications of plastic pollution and the climate crisis. The urgency of the matter is underscored by the United Nations' projection that, by 2050, our oceans could host more fish than plastic, provided immediate action is taken.

Presentation at Compass International School: Plastic Pollution and the Climate Crisis "Leaders Wanted"

During Qatar Sustainability Week 2023, the students at Compass International School will actively participate in an insightful awareness and educational session. The focus will be learning about the global and local implications of plastic pollution and the climate crisis. The urgency of the matter is underscored by the United Nations' projection that, by 2050, our oceans could host more fish than plastic, provided immediate action is taken.

مسابقة زراعية للمدارس

تقوم بلدية الدوحة بتنظيم مسابقة زراعية للتلاميذ من 10 مدارس مختلفة لمدة 5 أيام من تاريخ الأحد 5نوفمبر لغاية الخميس 9 نوفمبر حيث يتم استضافة مدرستين كل يوم والمسابقة عبارة عن تصميم وزراعة حديقة مصغرة داخل اكسبو الدوحة

Old Scrap Paper Used to Make Paper

Innovative is one of GIS's core values. Through this, we would like to promote an activity that would showcase creativity. The Gheras International School will hold a classroom activity to continue a project that lessens the environmental impact of paper waste. Students will learn how to create ideas for recycling materials through this peculiar integration of ethos and varied inventiveness.

Cleanliness Drive

Rajagiri Public School aims to combat climate change and its impacts by focusing on SDG 13, the climate action.. This can be done at school level by taking measure like

a) Recycle drive where the student and parent community are encouraged to send the plastic materials kept for trashing and also the e-waste.

b) Cleaning drive in the school

c) Organic farming in the school premises

d) Awareness campaign towards zero waste

محاضرات توعوية ومسابقات طلابية \ زراعة شتلات 🌱

سوف نقوم بعمل ورشة توعوية عن اهمية الغطاء الاخضر في تحقيق التنمية البيئية المستدامة/ عمل مسابقات ثقافية متنوعه/ زراعة شتلات محاصيل زراعية فس المدرسة ومتابعتها الى نهاية العام الدراسي

Go Green

Since the sun will continue shining for hundreds of billions of years The sun releases enough energy on Earth each second to provide the entire human energy demand for over two hours. Given that it is readily accessible and renewable, solar power is an attractive source of energy. Energy is essential for humanity, and solar power is the ultimate energy source. The sun as a solar energy source has many advantages: it is sufficient, it is virtually infinite, and it provides equal access to all users.