
Discovering Qatar with a purpose: Beach cleanup and cultural visit to the Al Zubara Fort.

Hello everyone! As part of the sustainability week activities organized by the QGBC The Embassy of France and the French Institute Qatar, Doha Environmental Actions Project (DEAP), Project Rescue Ocean Qatar and Doha Accueil are joining forces and invite the general public to participate on our "Al Zubara Fort visit and beach cleanup". This is a kid and family friendly event. 


Qatar Sustainability Awards 2018

Qatar Sustainability Awards aim to recognize the efforts, commitment, and contributions of individuals, institutions and organizations in furthering sustainable development and environmental protection in Qatar and beyond. The 3rd annual Qatar Sustainability Awards welcomes nominations in various categories in line with the needs and trends of the green building and sustainability industries.

Golf Course Clean up

Education City Golf Club has three golf courses in its facility which stretches over a total land area is 128 hectares. The staff at ECGC will conduct a full golf course clean up collecting litter from the facility and surrounding areas. The aim of the initiative is to beautify the golf courses and help create an awareness of creating a sustainable future for further generations.



Deep Injection Well Project

In order to reduce the strain on the National Waste Water System, Naufar is installing an independent solution by drilling a deep injection well on its premises. By injecting this waste water into the ground between impermeable layers of rocks on our premises we are avoiding the pollution of Qatar's scarce fresh water supplies. Most environmental engineering professionals consider waste water treatment followed by disposal through injection wells to be the most cost effective and environmentally responsible method of waste water treatment.

Beach Clean Up

Muhibbah Engineering Middle East, in collaboration with Ministry of Municipality and Environment, will conduct a beach up program on the 2nd November 2018 throughout the Wakrah Family Beach. The program will provide a fun an easy way to engage with our social responsibility create awareness what littering impact the environment and our ecosystem. Employees of Muhibbah will contribute to the success of this program and are essential to keep our beach clean.

مسابقة البحوث البيئية لطلاب المرحلة الإعدادية والثانوية

تنظم حديقة القرآن النباتية عضو مؤسسة قطر للتربية والعلوم وتنمية المجتمع "مسابقة البحوث البيئية" في نسختها الثالثة للعام الأكاديمي 2018-2019م، والتي تنظمها الحديقة بالتعاون مع قسم البحث العلمي بإدارة المناهج وزارة التعليم والتعليم العالي والصندوق القطري لرعاية البحث العلمي ضمن المسابقة الوطنية للبحث العلمي في دولة قطر.