Awareness Activities
Awareness Activities

خذ المبادرة و تعاون معنا من أجل مستقبل أفضل

الفترة الصباحية

٨ - ٩ صباحا مع شعيل على المسرح

٩- ١٠ صباحا جولة داخلية

١٠ - ١١ صباحا ورشة زخرفة الصحون

الفترة المسائية

٤ عصرا - ٨ مساءا

جولات كاملة - ورشة شخصيات الرسوم المتحركة - مسابقات و أسئلة - ورشة باقة الورد - ورشة الفسيفساء

Qatar Sustainability Week @ Doha College

'Meatless Monday'- we are encouraging students and staff to use vegan and vegetarian options for their first and second break snacks. We are helping our parents by encouraging the use of our own Doha College Meatless March Cookbook, we created last year and can be used by the public here https://issuu.com/dohacollege/docs/eco-dei-commitee_cookbook-v2.0

'Turn off Tuesday'- turn the lights off period 1 across the whole of the Doha College Primary and Secondary School.

Think Green

Qatar Housekeepers group constant educate & encourage the fellow housekeepers & community to opt the green resources . They emphasis on Reduce - Reuse -recycle .

We are hosting Asian Housekeepers annual event in Qatar in which we will have the theme of Sustainability .

*Football Passion" - Painting on Tote Bag

1. Presentation and Awareness Talk:

 The workshop aims to raise awareness to use eco-friendly natural fibre bags, especially after the welcoming law made by the government in banning plastic bags from November 15th 2022. The event will start with a brief presentation talking about sustainability awareness by making small changes in our everyday life. Reducing the use of plastic and to promote eco friendly living.

October Sustainability Month at CMU-Q

October is considered a Sustainability month at CMU-Q. Many activities are planned:

Awareness talk: "The global and local impact of plastic pollution - A call for action!" given by Jose Saucedo on October 17 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm in lecture Hall 1213.

A desert cleanup activity at the Singing Dunes on October 19 from 8:00am to 11:0am organized by DEAP Qatar.

A composting workshop given by Hadiqa.

Field trip to recycling facilities in Doha.

Awareness campaign on the importance of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling.