Awareness Activities
Awareness Activities

Scavenger hunt - collaboration with Bedaya

The Doha metro will serve as the primary mode of transit for a scavenger hunt that Qatar Rail and Bedaya are organizing. The scavenger hunt will feature a variety of locations in Qatar that are accessible from all three metro lines. Every destination will have a role to play in promoting and offering sustainable products and healthy lifestyles. Participants will also be expected to respond to sustainability-related questions during the week, including inquiries into Qatar Rail's sustainability initiatives over the years.

Tree Planting Around Metro Stations

As part of the "Green Initiative," Qatar Rail employees go to specific metro stations and plant trees in the open spaces surrounding the stations. One of the most effective ways to combat climate change in aviation is through this initiative. On October 2, 2022, couple of Qatar Rail Staff has visited DECC metro station and planted 15 trees all around. 

Online Webinar: An Outlook on Qatar’s Sustainability Aspects - Challenges and Solutions

Like most countries in the world, Qatar has several sustainability challenges that need to be addressed. In this online seminar, QEERI’s Senior Research Directors will address energy, water, environmental hazards and corrosion challenges, and discuss different solutions and management methods surrounding them. 


Dr. Afrooz Barnoush 

Principal Scientist 

Corrosion Center 

Corrosion Management Towards More Sustainable Infrastructure 

Donation Day

All Warwick Doha Hotel team will refresh their cupboard and items and donate everything they can and submit them to the HR department then we can send all donation items one time to one of the charity organizations.

مزرعة دخان المستدامة

مزرعة دخان لبيئة خضراء مستدامة

تشجيعا لأهمية الزراعة والأمن الغذائي كأساس من أسس التنمية البيئية نواصل عملنا كل عام في مدرستنا بإعداد جيل قادر على التعرف على أسس الزراعة الصحيحة وأهميتها للاكتفاء الذاتي في أرضنا .

فنقوم بدورنا كل عام خلال الموسم الزراعي بزراعة الأرض وانتاج معظم الخضروات و نشر الوعي بأهميتها لجميع طالبات المراحل الدراسية والاستفادة منها في المناهج التعليمية.