Lulu Hypermarket, Al Meshaf branch has been certified Carbon neutral focused on areas including Carbon emission sources like emission from company-owned vehicles, refrigerant leakage, emission from electricity consumption, emission from water disposal, etc.  The above Carbon neutrality project includes: identifying GHG inventory for hypermarket operations, GHG reduction measures and Carbon offset sourcing to mitigate the residual emissions to achieve Carbon neutrality.

Lulu Hypermarket, Al Meshaf Branch is committed to achieving carbon neutrality on an ongoing basis. Our total carbon emissions for the year 2021 was 3,374tCO2e. We have implemented several energy efficiency measures thereafter resulting in significant energy and corresponding GHG emission reductions. We have offset our residual carbon emissions from the hypermarket using 3,374 CERs (Certified Emission Reduction). The carbon credits have been sourced from a UNFCCC- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) registered project, titled “Avoidance of methane emissions from Municipal Solid waste and food waste” through composting carries out its operations at a facility in Puri, Orissa in India. It is a small-scale project activity that entails the production of organic manure-‘Enrich’ from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and food waste (fish waste and coconut husk) through composting, thus avoiding Methane emissions a potent GHG. The entire carbon neutrality initiative has been based on PAS 2060 standard a globally recognized standard for achieving carbon neutrality.

End Date
25.284077238429, 51.51199665
Organization Name
LuLu Hypermarket
Start Date
LuLu Hypermarket, Al Meshaf