• Membership with Ellen MacArthur Foundation U.K.: Lulu Group has joined the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) - a UK-registered charity that develops and promotes the idea of a circular economy – as a Network member to facilitate collaboration for accelerating its ongoing efforts towards the transition to a circular economy.  The EMF envisages a global systemic shift from the ‘take, make, waste’ extractive model to one that designs out waste and pollution, keeps products and materials in use, and regenerates natural systems.
  • GSAS-Op Certification:  Lulu Hypermarket in Qatar has become one of the first retailers in MENA to achieve sustainable operations certification under the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) from the Gulf Organisation for Research & Development (GORD). Upon completion of necessary audits by the sustainability experts from GSAS Trust and GORD Labs, the project achieved an overall score of 1.51, which corresponds to a ‘GOLD’ rating under the GSAS Operations Certification.
  • Waste segregation and separation from the source: Outlets are being encouraged to segregate their waste for easy disposal and collection. Three-compartment bins are implemented in all general areas to encourage customers to waste segregation.
  • Food Waste Digesters: Food waste digesters are being used to efficiently manage the food waste generated in the operation. An innovative food waste solution named ORCA recycles food waste by breaking it down into water (mainly), and some carbs, fats, and proteins which are then captured or repurposed. This is currently being trialed at Lulu’s Bin Mahmoud store.
  • Collection & Disposal of Oil waste:  Setting in place a policy around the correct collection and disposal of used cooking oil.  Oil waste is being recycled with partners.
  • Be efficient and eliminate waste in our operations: controlled production and controlled ordering of raw materials.
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LuLu Hypermarket
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LuLu Hypermarket