Doha Festival City is very invested in the Sustainability Week with the objective to raise awareness about sustainability issues, which will involve 3 tiers; Management & Staff program, encouraging mall tenants to participate and a public online video (Festival Fashion TV) dedicated on the topic.

  1. Management & Staff

a. Recycling program: Dedicated bins placed to collect paper & plastic waste generated at offices, with awareness raised to segregate before disposal. The collected waste will be sent to a recycling factory. There will also be a campaign to encourage staff to use re-usable tools and avoid single use plastics.

b. Documentary Video: The videos will be played at management office reception area

c. Branding: This will be placed at Management reception to help create awareness and drive commitment from the staff towards sustainability.

d. Greener Future: A sampling will be issued to all staff

e. Auto-cut off lights program will be implemented at management office from 10pm to 6am.

  1. Tenants Participation

Tenants will be reached out to implement similar programs from raising awareness with branding, avoiding using plastic bags, briefing their staff, etc.

  1. Online Video

Doha Festival City has launched previously FFTV (Festival Fashion TV) which releases a video every Sunday at 7pm highlighting the latest fashion collections and offerings. It will dedicate an episode on sustainability fashion in line with the Sustainability Week to help raise awareness to the public.

Contact Email
Contact Name
Hisham Elzubeir
Contact Phone
End Date
25.385032, 51.4421554
Sustainability Week (Management & Customers)
Organization Name
Doha Festival City (Bawabat Al Shamal Real Estate Company W.L.L.)
Start Date
Doha Festival City, Umm Salal Muhammed, Qatar