No plastic bags today!

In cooperation with our local Minimarket , Al Madeena Food Center, a committed awareness day will be launched.


No plastic bags will be used by the retailer during that day. Tenants will be encouraged to bring their own bags and the Minimarket will offer biodegradable options.









Community Garden with LERO

LERO go green to make it clean!

Our Mascot and team will join the tenants for a fun 2nd edition of our Community Garden at Les Roses 3 Compound.

Each individual will be guided by the expert landscapers from the expert landscapers from METES , who will educate us on how to preserve and nurture the plants.







Recycling with LERO

We will conduct a gathering and issue talks on the importance of recycling, processes, and best practices. 

The availability of local facilities will be shared, and a session of questions and answers will follow a demonstration of waste segregation.

The audience will be our tenants of Les Roses 1 y 2 Compounds.

These will be conducted by Tanzifco cleaning and recycling representative. 

A contest will be announced so that tenants can present an item made of recycled material. Winners will be rewarded with a gift and certificate of recognition

Qatar Sustainability Week Awareness to UCC Staff and Workers

For this week of campaign, UCC staff and workers will engage in a wide range of
sustainability-related activities and awareness to achieve the global sustainability goals
pertaining to the use of water, energy and transportation, handling of waste, food
consumption, maintaining healthy spaces, and to adopt well-being i.e. physical, social and
Within the project, facility and yard of UCC, environmental awareness will be conducted among staff
and workers encouraging them to take effective steps to preserve the environment, conduct

ورشات تعريفية عن التنمية المستدامة

ورشات تعريفية :

الورشات التعريفية عن التنمية المستدامة في الوطن العربي عموماً ودولة قطر خصوصاً هي جلسات تعليمية تهدف إلى زيادة الوعي والفهم حول أهمية تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة (SDGs) التي وضعتها الأمم المتحدة. تسلط هذه الورشات الضوء على الاستدامة البيئية، التنوع الاقتصادي، والعدالة الاجتماعية، مع التركيز على التحديات الخاصة بالمنطقة العربية وقطر.