Paperless Meetings

In our Meeting room,  active panel interactive display are installed, which eliminates the use of paper flip board and Projectors. This step will enhance in reducing the paper waste throughout the year for the meeting room. Let us all save trees, protect the environment and do our part for the planet by the resources available to us


Sustainability activities will focus on educating students about environmental responsibility through hands-on and engaging experiences. The school will organize recycling competitions, where students will collect and categorize waste materials and create art projects using upcycled items. Workshops on topics like water conservation, renewable energy, and sustainable gardening will be conducted, giving students practical knowledge of how to reduce their ecological footprint. 

حملة"من قلة استخدام إلى الاستغناء عن الأكياس البلاستيكية" مع بلدية الظعاين

بداية مبادرة تقليل من استخدم الأكياس البلاستيكية والاستعانة عنها بأكياس بيولوجية متعددة الاستخدام...حملة لنشر الوعي من مخاطاستخدام البلاستيك بشكل عام والأكياس البلاستيكية بشكل 

خاص وبالتعاون مع بلدية الظعاين مع مدارس من البلدية، محاضرة قصيرة ملحوقة بورشة فنية مع كلاب المرحلة الابتدائية. ا  




Office Goes Green

  • Office Goes Green is a global program designed by Holcim , Readymix Qatar management partner to make offices more sustainable and raise internal awareness of everyday environmental habits by:
    • Using resources and energy more responsibly in offices (Switch Off electrical equipment if not required)
    • Reducing waste and plastic (Identify and list Internal Processes that require you to print/use papers and can be moved to digital)
    • Helping employees adopt greener habits (Installing Hand Driver to reduce paper usage)