-       In celebration of International Coffee Day, the bank has organized a coffee making workshop for its employee across multiple locations while distributing the cups in a sustainable mug, which will be later collected and sent to recycle.

-       Under the umbrella of fan engagement for the upcoming FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™, the bank has launched a social media competition for the kids to build one of FIFA stadiums using recycled items.

خذ المبادرة و تعاون معنا من أجل مستقبل أفضل

الفترة الصباحية

٨ - ٩ صباحا محاضرة الاحتباس الحراري

٩- ١٠ صباحا جولة داخلية

١٠ - ١١ صباحا تصميم المضخة

الفترة المسائية

٤ عصرا - ٨ مساءا

جولات كاملة - ورشة شخصيات الرسوم المتحركة - مسابقات و أسئلة - ورشة باقة الورد - ورشة الفسيفساء

Tree Planting

Carrefour Qatar in collaboration with Al Rayyan Municipality and a group of students from First Assalam School participated in the ongoing one

million tree-planting campaign. The initiative aimed to show our commitment to promoting environmental awareness in line with our  Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability initiatives.