Purple Island CleanUp Drive

Meeting at the beginning of the old causeway at 2:30 pm. Start of walk to island at 2:45 pm. Return to Cars at 4 pm. What are we going to do at Purple Island? We will gather at Purple Island, equipped with trash-bags and plastic gloves. We will walk around the Island and collect as much trash/plastic as we can find. Afterwards we will put all bags into trash containers. Why are we cleaning up Purple Island? Purple Island is a delicate environment and the mangroves that surround it are home to thousands of young fish and crabs before they swim out into the open sea.

مسابقة كنز الاستدامة

تسجيل مجموعة من الرجال و النساء في مجموعات ، تم تخصيص يوم 18 الجمعة للنساء ، ويوم 19 السبت للرجال ،وستقام في معسكر لكل ربيع زهرة ، وتم اختيار المكان لاحتوائه على تضاريس بيئة ، المسابقة عبارة عن مراحل ، ينتقل فيه المتسابقون من منطقة الى منطقة داخل المعسكر ، يتعرف على المنطقة من السبخات و المرتفعات و النباتات ، الشاطئ و غابة المنجروف .

Have Fun Getting Fit

Kangoo Club Qatar is running Boot Camp sessions using the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes on the corniche in honor of Sustainability Week! If you don't know what Kangoo Jumps are, check out our Facebook and Instagram: Kangoo Club Qatar Date: Wednesday 16th November, from 5pm until 8pm. Meeting point: Costa Coffee corniche parking lot. Price: QAR 40 per person per session (that includes the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes) Sessions: 5:30 to 6, 6:30 to 7 and 7:30 to 8. I.D. is required to participate and rent the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes. Please call 70410107 to book in advance.