Schools & Kids Activities
Schools & Kids Activities

Sustainability in Action: Workshops, Gardening, and Art Activities

We have planned a variety of activities designed to engage and inspire everyone involved. 

These include:
• Workshops: Learn about sustainable practices, such as recycling and garbage segregation among staff and students.
• Gardening Activity: Students will be planting using recycled water bottles as pots.
• Art Activity: Students will use recycled water bottles or clothes to make artwork.

Secondary School - Our Week of promoting sustainability

Our secondary school students will take part in assemblies and four 20-minute enrichment activities throughout the week. One highlight is a sustainability-themed baking competition, where students will be challenged to bake a cake with sustainability in mind.

They will also participate in a recycled tower competition, where form houses will compete to see who can build the tallest tower using only recycled materials.

Primary School - Our Week of promoting sustainability

Our primary school children will be participating in a "Make Something from Nothing" competition, where they’ll use their creativity and imagination to transform 'rubbish' into unique creations of their choice.

In addition, they will attend assemblies led by our secondary Eco School ambassadors, who will introduce them to the concept of sustainability and explore how they can take action to live more sustainably. Throughout the week, the children will also engage in fun, hands-on activities in their classrooms, reinforcing these important lessons.

School uniform swap shop

We invite you to participate in our School Uniform Swap Shop as part of Qatar Sustainability Week!

Any school uniform in good, wearable condition can be donated to the swap shop. Students are encouraged to bring in unwanted NAISAK uniforms, helping to reduce waste and promote sustainability. Parents will have the opportunity to take gently used uniforms for their children, offering an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for school attire.

بني هاجر

المشاركة بفيديو توعوي للاطفال يحافظ على الاستدامه وايضا المشاركه بعرض مجموعه من الاعمال للاطفال والمعلمات تدعم اعاده التدوير والاستدامه ومشهد تمثيلي بسيط عن الاستدامه

Qatar Sustainability Week 2024 at Doha College

At Doha College this year we will be running a series of events to celebrate Qatar Sustainability Week 2024. 

As a whole college we will be having a 'Say no to single use plastic week.' 

In the Secondary school we will be hosting a house recycling challenge where plastic recycling boxes will be weighed at the end of the week and the house with the largest weight will be successful. 

In the Primary school there will be a school poster competition to create a poster that spreads the message of 'no single use plastic' in Doha College and Qatar. 

نفايات لها قيمة

برنامج في المدرسة

نقوم بتجميع بقايا الاطعمه العضوية ورميها في حاويات اعادة التدوير لتحويلها إلى سماد عضوي نستخدمه في زراعه النباتات المدرسية 

نضيف في هذا الحاويات كمية من البكتيريا التي تساعد على تحلل بقايا الطعام وتحويله الى سماد على شكل سائل…

نقوم بتجميع السائل العضوي وتخفيفه بالماء ثم نسقي به الزرع الموجود في المدرسة..

Small Steps, Big Impact: Our Sustainability Initiatives

As part of our commitment to sustainability, both branches of our school, Al Mansoura and Al Gharrafa, will be engaging in various activities to promote eco-friendly practices.

For saving energy, teachers will turn off classroom lights for the last 30 minutes of the school day, except in essential areas like corridors and main spaces. This simple act will raise awareness of energy-saving habits among students and staff.