Schools & Kids Activities
Schools & Kids Activities

Little Gardener Academy

Our Little Gardener Academy will be up and running every Wednesday! As part of QSW2022, the session of the 12th of October will be dedicated to sustainability and greener life! The kids will learn how to care for the planet by separating different materials for recycling, how to reduce their waste by selecting products with less packaging and we will discuss about composting as a way to reduce our home waste.

ملتقى الاستدامة والعمل المناخي في عيون النشء والشباب: نحو 2030 وما بعده

تأتي الدعوة الى ملتقى (الاستدامة والعمل المناخي في عيون النشء والشباب: نحو 2030 وما بعده) لتمثل نقطة انطلاق نحو المزيد من المبادرات الطلابية والشبابية والمجتمعية في مجال الاستدامة والعمل من أجل المناخ، حيث يهدف الملتقى الى استعراض مفاهيم الاستدامة والعمل المناخي من منظور فئتي النشء والشباب، وتقصي مدى إدراكهم ووعيهم بتحديات العالم من حولهم حيث أن إشراك النشء والشباب للعمل والانخراط

بفاعلية أكبر في مجال التنمية المستدامة يتطلب فهماً أعمق لمقتضياتها أولاً بما يتناسب مع أعمارهم واهتماماتهم واحتياجاتهم.

للتسجيل ومزيد من التفاصيل:


Doha British School Supports Sustainability Week

DBS Beach Clean Up
Doha British School will be working together with a member of the Doha Environmental Actions Project to organise a beach clean up on Friday 14th October. We will build up to this event by carrying out a sustainability themed assembly which will be chaired by a member of the DEAP association, organise whole school competitions and we will be inviting in parents whose jobs are linked to sustainability to inspire our children.

Handmade Paper from Recycled Paper

Paper is one of the largest sources of waste for industries and offices throughout the world. It is often overlooked due to excessive attention given to the disposal of plastics and other waste. To address these concerns, the Gheras International School is going to hold an in-the-school activity for continuing an initiative which is mitigating the impact of paper waste on the environment. Thru its idiosyncrasy of integrating ethos and diverse ingeniousness, students are going to learn how to contrive notions in recycling materials.