Schools & Kids Activities
Schools & Kids Activities

Designing and 3D Printing Engineering Models for Sustainable Development Goals

We believe that youth are the foundation of change and development in our society. To empower this vital role, we offer community programs aimed at increasing awareness and knowledge among younger generations about the Sustainable Development Goals and Qatar’s Vision 2030. Our mission is to enable them to become ambassadors in achieving these important goals.

"Qatar Sustainable Week: Building a Sustainable Tomorrow."

Our kindergarteners will engage in a comprehensive week of learning activities to raise awareness and promote sustainability. This initiative aligns with our participation in Qatar Sustainability Week 2024, where students will explore eco-friendly practices, participate in interactive projects, and deepen their understanding of the environment. Through these engaging activities, we aim to instill lifelong values of environmental stewardship in our students, empowering them to impact our planet positively.

Textile Artist

Doha based textile artist using waste fabric from the fashion industry to create striking stitched textile art collages. My work transforms discarded materials into vibrant, intricate pieces that challenge the viewer's perception of waste and sustainability in art.

'Biophilia' Season 2-A Step towards Sustainability

Rajagiri Public School is celebrating Qatar Sustainability week, 'Biophilia' Season 2- A Step towards Sustainability from September 28th to October 5th. During this period, the school has arranged a wide array of activities for our students so as to educate them through sustainable practices and thus they foster a sense of responsibility to build a community for their future. The programs are as follows:

Recycling Challenge

Our objective in this activity is to understand what can be recycled and ensuring proper recycling habits. During break time, set up a relay race where students sort different types of waste into the correct recycling bins. Use items like paper, plastic bottles, aluminum cans and food scraps. In this activity students will learn the importance of recycling correctly and what happens to items that are improperly recycled.

Umslal Mohammad

نظمت مدرسة الشفاء عدد من الفعاليات المتعلقة بالإستدامة بشكل عام ، ومعرض اكسبو قطر2023 بشكل خاص، حيث تم: - التوعوية بمعنى الإستدامة ورؤية قطر 2030 من خلال الطابور الصباحي - والمطويات والمنشورات -عمل أفلام توعوية توضح الهدف والتأثير للاستدامة وأنواعها - ومن خلال تنظيم رحلات إلى معرض إكسبو قطر 2023 - وعمل مسابقات الكترونية تهدف الى بناء مدن مستدامة باستخدام التكنولوجيا ( برنامج ماين كرافت ) - ومسابقة الابتكار في مشاريع الإستدامة وتوثيقها الكترونيا ( باستخدام برنامج Flipgrid) - عمل مشروع مكتبة الحافلة ويهدف الى الاستدامة والاستفادة في إستخدام الكتب التي تم اسقاطها من مكتبة المدرسة.