
Recycling Of Cooking Oil

We strongly believe in sustainability and hence make sure to recycle in every way deemed possible. Hence we at Mövenpick Hotel Doha want to take long term measures towards a green outlook.

Our cooking oil from the hotel's main kitchen will be sent to an outsourced entity where it will recycled and used for bio fuel production. This process will continue even post the week ends as a permanent activity.



At Nespresso, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to integrating sustainability across our value chain, including giving our capsules a second life through recycling. With the Nespresso recycling program, we provide several options to send us your used capsules, FREE of charge. With your help, we can make a difference.


Drop off your used capsules at any of our Nespresso Boutiques or hand your bag to our driver during your next delivery.

Waste Management / Recycling

Naufar has distributed recycling bins around the premises to educate staff and patients to segregate waste correctly. Over 30 recycling bins are located in our gardens and in each building. An internal communication campaign has been launched in parallel to emphasize the importance of waste management on the environment.

Beach Cleaning

Save our seas! SOS is no longer just a maritime distress signal but also a worldwide campaign to protect our bodies of water from further degradation. Our organization believes that coastal clean-ups help in the conservation of marine life. With this, volunteers will be gathered to help in removing trash and debris in certain beaches in Qatar. 

Crowne Village Cleaning

Nothing feels better than staying in a tidy neighborhood. Clean surroundings often equate to healthier and more meaningful lives. Encouraging colleagues to clean the staff accommodation is not just for the sake of tidying unsightly and dirty areas but most importantly about instilling responsibility and discipline in maintaining their own habitations.

Car Pool

Share a car, win a friend! Carpooling allows riders to split the cost of gas, cutting expenses by nearly 50% or more and cutting on carbon emissions. It also reduces health risks & stress compared to commuting alone. We call on our colleagues to share rides going to and from the office to cultivate a culture of sharing. Who knows, their carpool mate might be their next best friend.