
إعادة تدوير الملابس الجيدة المتروكة والتبرع بها للجهات الخيرية

تحقيق رؤية ورسالة وزارة التعليم والتعليم العالي المنبثقة من رؤية قطر 2030 ، في ترسيخ ثقافة الاستدامة ونشرها بين كافة فئات المجتمع، حيث كانت لمدرسة بروق مشاركة مثالية ولمختلف الجهات والهيئات المهتمة بقطاع الاستدامة في دولة قطر، في تقديم مبادرات من أولياء امور الطالبات وتسليط الضوء على تفعيلها بالطرق العملية والمبتكرة في مجال الاستدامة.


As part of our phased approach to recycling, with processes already in place to manage our recycled waste, QNB has begun installation of paper recycling bins in QNB offices and mixed recycling bins at selected branches.

No Paper Cups Week

With the objective of reducing waste and protecting the environment, Facilities Management and Maintenance Company has implemented one week with no paper cups at the Head Office, Al Sharif Tower. Employees supported this initiative by bringing their own reusable cups, tumblers and china mugs for their use. FMM is in one with Qatar Green Building Council in promoting sustainability projects and activities. 

DISS Go Green Campaign - Make Green your favourite color

DISS want to do things right in our business. For us this means implementing sustainable processes that are aligned with our values and are environmentally friendly. Qatar Sustainability week is a perfect opportunity to jump start our sustainability efforts starting with our internal teams. In our participation towards environmental responsibility and in line with Qatar Sustainability Week, DISS will execute the following go green campaign:


Eco-friendly office

ILoveQatar.net’s office has been recycling since 2016 with number of different recycling companies and recently, we adopted “No one time plastic items” in our office to reduce the waste.

-Recycle as usual

-No one time use plastic cutleries, plastic straws, wooden chopsticks, plastic bags

-No plastic bottled water, takeout coffee cups or plastic cups

-Use tumbler for takeout drinks and eco-bags for grocery

-No paper printing for internal use

We recommend other organizations to join this initiative!

Paperless Office

Objectives:Promotes the Environment

Manufacturing paper products produce greenhouse gases, causing deforestation and global warming. Recycling can offset some of the environmental impact, but not by much. Most paper eventually ends up in a landfill. Further, ink and toners contain volatile compounds and non-renewable substances which are damaging to the environment. It is much more sustainable to simply reduce paper use altogether by switching to a paperless office.