
The Green Kit Week

Picture a world where businesses and communities join forces to lead the charge for sustainability. Our kit is your ticket to an unforgettable adventure that not only promises a zesty experience but also drives home the importance of living sustainably.

Eco Warrior Initiative - Science Week / Year 5 an Year 4

For science week, Year 5 enjoyed collecting recycled materials. They then used these recycled materials to construct an aeroplane. During our topic on 'Extreme Locations' we explored the different environments around the world and the impact that global warming has. We used the laptops to research and create an information brochure on ways to prevent Global Warming.

Science week Year 4

Recyclable materials:

Eco Warrior Initiative - Beach Clean up /Year 6

In Year 6, we visited Al Khor beach to take part in a beach clean up. As you can see, we were able to collect a lot of different pieces of rubbish. Some of the rubbish was what you would usually expect (bottles, packets etc.) however, we did find some very interesting items, as you can see. This linked in with a lot of our Eco Warrior themes - Climate Change, Litter, Marine & Coast and Waste.

Eco Warrior Initiative - Waste and Recycling

Recycle Bins We have our recycle bins in every classroom which makes it easier to collect and separate the recyclable materials such as paper, cardboard and plastic from the general waste before they end up in landfills. By using recycle bins we can recycle more and more! We also recycle in the canteen now that it has opened again. ONLY WHITE PAPER! We have little green boxes in every classroom so we don't have to leave our classrooms to throw in white paper every time.

Recycling Sampled Concrete @Plant (Zero Waste Vision)

Recyling concrete waste during sampling at the ready-mixed concrete manufacturing plant is part of Readymix Qatar vision for Decarbinization pillars to support Qatar “Zero Waste Vision 2030”.  We reuse waste concrete at each plant sampling location, fabricate different forms of precast units with different shapes and dimensions. Example used drum mould, precast table seater and chair, etc used for pedestrian walkways, rest area.

Projects Waste Management

Waste generated in the project is assessed in in the criterion Waste Management under the Management and Operations . This criterion identifies methods and measures to be implemented to reduce, collect, segregate, transport, recycle and dispose of waste generated on site. The degree of implementation of these methods and measures is determined based on the project documentation in the form of a Waste Management Report

مبادرة التعليم الأخضر في مدرسة قطر الابتدائية للبنات

ضمن خطة اليونسكو لتفعيل محور المدارس الخضراء وللتوعية ونشر المبادرات الإيجابية الخضراء ذات النفع للمجتمع تم تنفيذ الطابور الصباحي بعنوان التعليم الأخضر تحقيقاً لرؤية وزارة التربية والتعليم في توفير فرص تعلم دائمة ومبتكرة ذات جودة وتعزيز الشراكة المجتمعية وحرصاً على تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة والتعريف بها ونشرها من خلال مبادرة جماعة اليونسكو معاً لمستقبل مستدام تم عرض فيديو في الإذاعة الصباحية للجميع لإنجازات وممارسات متميزة للأنشطة الصفية واللاصفية وفي حصص الفنون البصرية للتعريف والتعزيز بالتعليم الأخضر والوعي بقضايا البيئة وسبل التعامل والتعايش معها ونشر فكرة التعليم الأخضر للسعي للعمل