Sports & Fitness
Sports & Fitness

موهب كرة القدم

تنمية قدرات الطلاب من بعض المهارات الأساسية من تمرير تسديد تسليم والتمركز وكل ما يحتاجه لاعب كرة القدم الموهوب، ثم يأتي بعد ذلك قدرة اللاعب البدنية على الجري لمسافات طويلة ، وتنمية الرغبة والحرص على اللعب والقتال في المباراة

Burn Calories Instead of Electricity

Our hotel is excited to launch a unique initiative aimed at promoting a healthier and more eco-conscious lifestyle. Throughout the week, we're encouraging our staff to use the stairs instead of the elevator. This simple yet impactful initiative aligns with our commitment to sustainability by reducing energy consumption and promoting a healthier workplace culture.

Bicycle Tour

Join us for a delightful evening ride, uniting members of the Qatar Cyclists Center for a journey covering 40 kilometers. Starting from the Center's headquarters, we'll pedal through the Olympic cycling track, reaching Al Bayt Stadium, and then making our way back to the Center. Two distinct groups cater to varying paces: a medium-speed group for those seeking a brisk ride, and a slow-speed group tailored for beginners. Professional trainers will be on hand to guide and support each group.

جولة بالدراجات الهوائية 

Indoor Cycling for Ladies

An exclusive event tailored for women, ensuring utmost privacy within the confines of a covered hall. The session entails stationary bicycle exercises complemented by a series of strengthening workouts, all guided by a specialized trainer. Immerse yourself in this invigorating experience, spanning from one and a half to two hours, dedicated entirely to your well-being and fitness journey.

تمارين دراجات ثابتة للنساء

Bicycle Tour

Embark on a cycling journey commencing from the central hub at Lusail Sports Hall, tracing a path to the iconic Al Bayt Stadium. Take a well-deserved 10-minute break before pedaling back to the center's headquarters, covering a total distance of 50 kilometers.

جولة بالدراجات الهوائية 

رايد بالدراجات الهوائية ابتداء من مقر المركز بصالة لوسيل الرياضية إلي استاد البيت ثم الاستراحة عند استاد البيت لمدة 10 دقائق والعودة مرة أخرى إلي مقر المركز بمسافة 50 كيلو متر

Simaisma Desert Race Challenge 2023

Participants will engage in an exhilarating mountain biking and trail running event set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Simaisma desert. The mountain bike race offers two challenging categories: a 10-kilometer route for those seeking a moderate thrill, and a more demanding 20-kilometer category for seasoned enthusiasts. For those with a passion for pounding the trails on foot, the running race presents two equally invigorating categories: a swift 5-kilometer course and a more endurance-testing 10-kilometer challenge.

Qatar Museums' Bike Commuting Challenge

Qatar Museums (QM) is promoting a more eco-friendly approach to commuting among its employees from October 25th to November 9th, 2023. We encourage our staff to choose bicycles as their mode of transportation to the office, with the goal of reducing carbon emissions. This initiative aims to foster environmentally conscious habits in daily life while also promoting personal well-being through a healthier commuting option.