Awareness Activities
Awareness Activities

Eco awareness.me

As we are going to a world where climate change will get more and more dangerous, our team, consisting of three high school students, has developed a project called "Eco Awareness." The primary goal of our project is to raise public awareness about the effects of climate change. We aim to achieve this through social media campaigns as well as in-person interactions. Additionally, we utilize daily school assemblies to deliver talks on the dangers of climate change, leveraging this platform to reach our peers effectively.

Paperless week

As part of the support to green , we are practicing the reduction of paper waste, hence contribute to green enviroment. We all know the paper waste in any organizations are more and we are trying to be digital in this aspect and print only if required.

Sustainable crafting

Join us for a sustainable crafting workshop 

We aim to promote crafting and creativity using sustainable materials.

We will use professional machines to personalise Jute bags and drawstring bags which your kids will take home and can use in place of plastic bags. 

And we’ll also teach them how to recycle old jeans/denim to create some interesting pieces of crafts. 

استدامتها .... حياتنا

في إطار مشاركتها الفعالة في الحملة الوطنية لأسبوع قطر للاستدامة، نظمت أكاديمية قطر لتدريب المربيات مجموعة متنوعة من الفعاليات والأنشطة الهادفة إلى تعزيز وعي المربيات بمفهوم الاستدامة، وذلك تحت شعار "استدامتنا صحتنا". تهدف هذه الفعاليات إلى تمكين المربيات من اكتساب المعرفة والمهارات اللازمة لنقل مفاهيم الاستدامة الحيوية إلى الأطفال عند تعليمهم في الأسر القطرية.
تضمنت الفعاليات :
•حديقة الإطارات السحرية: إعادة تدوير الإطارات المستعملة وتحويلها إلى مساحات لعب آمنة وجذابة للأطفال، بهدف تشجيعهم على ممارسة الأنشطة البدنية في الهواء الطلق وتعزيز مفهوم الاستدامة البيئية.

Learning about Qatar Marine Ecosystem

Qatar Eco-schools program has partnered with Earth Cubs, a sustainability edutainment platform, to launch a set of interactive lessons under the Ecosystem Collection for the youth from the age of 3-11+ years old. The interactive lessons are Marvellous Mangroves!, What Are coral Reefs? and Terrific Tides! The lessons include many local resources that provide students with a thorough knowledge of Qatar’s ecosystem and biodiversity for the three environments in a fun and engaging way with many activities. The lessons are available in both the Arabic and English languages. Enjoy!

Qatar Green Market: Celebrating Local Products and Sustainable Living

1) Local Vendor Marketplace: • Invite local artisans, farmers, and manufacturers to showcase and sell their products. This could include organic food, handmade crafts, eco-friendly home goods, and locally sourced materials. • Highlight vendors who use sustainable practices in their production processes. 2) Sustainable Food Court: • Feature food stalls and trucks offering meals prepared with locally sourced ingredients, emphasizing the freshness, quality, and reduced environmental impact of local food.

Awareness Session

As part of the Qatar Sustainability Week 2024, NIMR Oil is decided to conduct an awareness session to our employees. This session aims to cultivate a positive sustainability mindset among participants and empower them to integrate sustainability practices using the most current and updated approaches. The goal is to support organizations in achieving a stronger Environmental and Social rating, ensuring long-term sustainability.

Awareness on SDGs

Raising awareness about sustainable development goals and climate change impact, promoting emission reduction strategies to achieve sustainability in our communities and environment through informed decision-making and policy implementation.

Art Workshop

We held an art event to transform the plastic bottles to candle holders. We collected the bottles from our clients, then we coloured them to be used during the workshop.