Awareness Activities
Awareness Activities

DB Beach Cleanup

Qatar is blessed with around 563 km of a beautiful Coastline. Therefore, it is our responsibility to keep this coastline always clean to protect the Ocean and for everyone to enjoy safely and sustainable future.

فعاليات حديقة كهرماء للتوعية

ستفتح الحديقة أبوابها لاستقبال الزوار خلال هذا الأسبوع من تاريخ 24 حتى 28 أكتوبر 2021 ( مع مراعاة اتباع الاشتراطات الاحترازية الموصي بها من قبل وزارة الصحة) 

من الساعة 9:00 صباحاً حتى الساعة 12:00 ظهراً ،

ستقام عدد من الأنشطة والمحاضرات التوعوية لطلاب المدارس تهدف الى نشر الوعي باتباع سلوكيات صديقة للبيئة و الحد من الانبعاثات الكربونية الضارة

Harvard American School Green Week

Harvard American School Green Week Agenda

(Rationing of water consumption)Students will preform a song about the environment

Students will do art works about Green Day

Work shop will take place to aware teachers/students of the importance of sustainable energy

Campaign to turn off the lights for 3 Mints during break time

School staff will be wearing Green to support this event

Awareness campaign about the proper disposal of used cooking oil

ERIGO have the one and only facility in Qatar for the recycling of used cooking oil into biodiesel. ERIGO has its vision to develop social conscience towards proper disposal of used cooking oil and sustainable recycling of the same. Apart from a business, we find ourselves responsible to make sure that each and every drop of used cooking oil is properly recycled into bio diesel.

Our session will concentrate on educating the public towards our vision.

We Swap to Help the Environment

The Science and Sustainability Club of Qatar Academy Sidra at the Secondary School has launched an initiative to help the environment and fight climate change. This initiative aims mainly at swapping unused uniform that may be suitable to wear.  

The aim of this initiative:

Ø Working together to fight climate change and to save the environment.

Ø Educating the community about saving our resources and not wasting them.

Nature Tour: Mangrove ecology, wildlife tracking, and conservation action

Event Description

Join us in this nature tour in the Al Mafjar mangrove forest, co-organized with QNHG and led by ecologist Dr. Aspa D. Chatziefthimiou and naturalist Raviv Cohen. During the tour, especially organized in support of QGBC’s Sustainability Week, we will explore the ecology of the area and we will track for wildlife. We will showcase and implement conservation actions in the mangroves, and have plenty of time for lunch, splashing around and birding.

The event is OPEN to the public and FREE.

أسبوع قطر للاستدامة 2021 في مدينة الوكرة - توزيع تعهد الاستدامة

أنشة توعوية في عدد من المدارس و المراكز الصحية بأهمية التغيير لأسلوب حياة أكثر استدامة:

توزيع تعهد الاستدامه على طلاب مدرسه عبد الرحمن بن جاسم الاعداديه

توزيع تعهد الاستدامة في مدرسه الإعدادية للبنات 

توزيع تعهد الاستدامة على مراجعي مركز الوكرة الصحي