Awareness Activities
Awareness Activities

The Pathway to Achieving 18% Renewable Energy Integration in Qatar by 2030

The Engineering Technology Department at the Community College of Qatar is celebrating Qatar Sustainability Week by hosting an awareness activity on Sunday, 29 September 2024

The event will feature a seminar titled “The Pathway to Achieving 18% Renewable Energy Integration in Qatar by 2030”, covering key initiatives such as solar energy projects, policy and infrastructure development, and economic incentives. 

Digital Calibration Certificate

By utilising LIMS's capabilities, ACTS implements the shift from paper to digital calibration certificate issuance. The LIMS was modified by the QHSE department and IT in order to produce and provide electronic certificates to stakeholders directly. In order to create and manage digital certificates and to interface the system with email or document management systems for effective distribution, ACTS started training its staff on how to use it.

Save Power, Save Future

Raise awareness about energy conservation, promote the use of energy-efficient appliances, and encourage employees to adopt power-saving habits to reduce electricity consumption and environmental impact.

Installing Power saver device helps us optimize energy use, minimizing wastage and ensuring efficient consumption.


Sustainability activities will focus on educating students about environmental responsibility through hands-on and engaging experiences. The school will organize recycling competitions, where students will collect and categorize waste materials and create art projects using upcycled items. Workshops on topics like water conservation, renewable energy, and sustainable gardening will be conducted, giving students practical knowledge of how to reduce their ecological footprint. 

فن الطين: نحو استدامة بيئية و إبداع يدوي

1. ورشة صنع الفخار (اصنع بلمسة الطبيعة): تنظيم ورش عمل للمبتدئين لصنع قطع فخارية بسيطة مثل الأكواب والأوعية، مع التركيز على استخدام الطين كمادة طبيعية تقلل الاعتماد على البلاستيك، مع عرض وبيع المنتجات الفخارية الصديقة للبيئة.

 2. عرض إعادة تدوير الطين (دورة حياة الطين): تقديم عرض يوضح كيفية استعادة واستخدام الطين المتبقي وتحويله إلى قطع جديدة، مع تسليط الضوء على تقليل النفايات، وعرض قطع فخارية مصنوعة من مواد معاد تدويرها للبيع.