Awareness Activities
Awareness Activities

Galfar - Quality Week 2018

As a part of Qatar Sustainability week, Galfar is conducting a week along QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, Environment) awareness sessions, competitions, knowledge sharing workshops & Recognition programs.

Following are the key knowledge sharing workshop are scheduled during this campaign:

-         Quality Control & Quality Assurance Systems

-         Root cause analysis

Car Pool

Carpooling is always a great pocket friendly initiative as it allows riders to split the cost of gas, cutting expenses by nearly 50% or more and most of all cutting down on carbon emissions. It also reduces health risks & stress level compared to commuting alone. We are carpooling today during our commute from our accommodation to the Hotel so why not you do too with your colleagues and neighbors. 

Breast Cancer Awareness

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. October Breast Cancer Awareness Month gives our colleagues and guests the opportunity to raise awareness on the importance of early detection. Spreading the word to communities, families and other individuals about “mammograms” and other unfamiliar terms is one way of getting involved.

Beach Cleaning

Save our seas! SOS is no longer just a maritime distress signal but also a worldwide campaign to protect our bodies of water from further degradation. We believe that coastal clean-ups help in the conservation of marine life. We are partnering with Deap Qatar volunteers removing trash and debris from Qatar’s beaches; join us for a fun day exploring the beautiful beaches of Qatar. 

Crowne Village Cleaning

Nothing feels better than staying in a tidy neighborhood. Cleaning the surroundings often equate to a healthier and more meaningful life while instilling responsibility towards our community. We will be going around our neighborhood today for a clean-up drive with our colleagues at the Crowne Village. 

Donate your Old Clothes

One person’s trash can be another one’s treasure. Sometimes the things that are no longer useful to us can be valuable to somebody else. We are organizing a donation drive to encourage our colleagues and guest residents to donate reusable clothes, shoes and other materials to be donated to Qatar Charity. 

“Health Talks" for Colleagues

Health is wealth! Talking about our personal well-being is the first step to a healthier “YOU”. Discussions and sharing of best practices on the importance of taking care of our health will be regularly conducted by our Human Resource team to create awareness among the team. Check out our social media pages to find out more on the best practices shared.