Awareness Activities
Awareness Activities

Social Media Campaign-Our Sustainability Practices As A Spa

DivaLounge Spa will launch a campaign on our social media pages in the form Instagram Reels and Stories. The content will feature our sustainability practices as a spa where we educate the viewers on the reasons behind our practices and encourage others to take more of an initiative in taking the eco-friendlier route such as opting for a "waterless" manicure and pedicure, using biodegradable and reusable items in our services, etc. Our director will address why it is important for our brand to be sustainable and what future actions we will take to ensure that we uphold our values.

Sustainable Futures: Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders for Lasting Change

Our plan for this week-long event will inspire and equip the next generation of leaders with the strategies and knowledge necessary to champion sustainability through healthy lifestyles and impactful behavioral changes. The audience will be the students at College of Business and Economics, and Qatar university. The plan will include the following activities within Building H08 (C Hall and D Hall) and supervised by a set of volunteers based on the following agenda;