The Triple “R” Initiative:

The triple “R” initiative is stands for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle the daily stationary consumed material at AECOM’s Doha Oasis Staff Residence Project.

1. To Reduce:

T.V screen will be used to present the Minutes of Meeting instead of printed document of minutes of meeting (MoM).


To procure the T.V. screen, we going to collect the budget from the monthly safety awards.

Reducing in numbers:  

-      Every week, almost 5 meeting are running. And, the sheet number average of each MoM document is 5 papers. As a result, the total number of sheets used per one week is 160 sheets and 640 sheets per one month (more than one ream) which is 70% reduction of the total usage of papers.

-      Save ink cartages.

-      Save some of pins.  

Impact of implementation:

While a daunting task at first, the decision to move away from paper-intensive methods will improve communication efficiency and document safety, decrease printing costs and reduce the environmental footprints.

On the path to a green set, reducing paper use is a simple step in the right direction.

2.  To Reuse:

As per the Internal Memo by Project Manager all team members must print document on both side of the paper where possible and if not than Reuse Single-Side-Printed Paper.

3. To Recycle:

To recycle all redundant papers.


We specified a recycled bin for papers and cartons used in the office and all team members will be using it for any redundant papers. This bin will be delivered weekly to the recycling company (Elite) we are dealing with.    

Contact Email
Contact Name
Abdulaziz Nabil
Contact Phone
End Date
25.2846439, 51.5188381
The Triple "R" Initiative
Organization Name
Start Date
Doha Oasis Mixed Use Develeopment, Doha, Qatar