Parental Engagement in Sustainability Efforts

Reducing Carbon Footprint: Metro Travel: Parents are encouraged to use the Metro for family trips to cut down on fuel consumption and lower their carbon footprint. This helps instill eco-friendly habits in children and raises their awareness about environmental issues.

Shopping with Reusable Bags: Children will accompany their parents while using reusable tote bags for shopping. This practice teaches them about reducing waste and maintaining a clean environment to address climate change.

Nature Time, Enjoying the outdoors without electricity: Students will turn off the lights and head outdoors for a walk with their parents or siblings. They will create a short video capturing their nature walk, where they explore their surroundings and discuss the health and well-being benefits of spending time outside without electricity.

Parents will use ClassDojo to upload photos or videos showcasing their children’s sustainability activities at home, which will be shared with their teachers.

Al Wakra
Contact Email
Contact Name
Saadia Nazneen
Contact Phone
End Date
25.1647225, 51.534274
Organization Name
The Next Generation School -Al Wukair Kindergarten
Start Date
Submission ID
Falcon Street, Building- 117 Street 934 Zone 91