Green Residence

What Kids Will Do?

Kids will understand how our lifestyle – everyday things like watching TV and turning off the lights produce carbon emissions and how it affects Mother Earth.

Simulated to look like a real house, the green residence consists of 4 different rooms – living room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. Each rooms have tasks that are categorized into: Electricity, Water and Waste Segregation. Kids must think of ways on how to reduce carbon emissions by completing tasks as much as they can for each room within the time limit. Tasks have equivalent points that will be calculated at the end. Points will be deducted from the house’s total carbon footprint.

Kids who greatly reduced the total carbon footprints of the house will have a chance to win prizes.

Zero Emission City

What Kids Will Do?

Kids will learn about clean, sustainable, renewable energy and how we can achieve the lowest carbon emissions that can help protect the environment. With the help of Virtual Reality – kids will immerse themselves and experience a virtual tour of all the Renewable Energy resources like Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Hydro Power etc.

Inside QNB Sustainability Center, kids will work as Sustainability Engineers and must work together to reduce the miniature city’s carbon emissions to 30%.

Kids will learn to operate the following:

1. Hydro Power – Water is a powerful force of nature and has been in use for a thousand years to produce electricity.

2. Solar Power – Transform heat coming from the Sun using Solar Panels to power residences and to activate city cooling.

3. Wind Power – Harness energy from the wind using wind turbines and produce electricity to light up the city.

4. Power of Hydrogen – Hydrogen is one of the gases that makes up most of the Earth’s atmosphere. Watch and learn how we can use hydrogen to produce electricity.

5. Kinetic Energy Bike – Generate electricity and improve lighting by pedaling.

6. Harvesting Rainwater – Assemble the rain collector buildings to collect and store rainwater for the Central Park watering system.

Kahramaa EV Charging Station

What Kids Will Do?

With Kahramaa’s efforts through Tarsheed, to provide a healthy and safe environment for the coming generations under the Qatar National Vision 2030 by promoting sustainability and reducing harmful carbon emissions.

Kids will understand what an electric vehicle and its benefits to the environment are. Kids will work as EV Engineers and learn the basics of a charging station – parts and how it works. Kids can also ride the Kahramaa bus for a tour around the city.

Contact Email
Contact Name
Seta Imasdounian
Contact Phone
End Date
25.258622057452, 51.439130356176
Organization Name
KidZania Doha
Start Date
Submission ID
Aspire Park