The essential goal of CONNECT: Pineal Gland Meditation is to empty yourself of the thoughts, emotions, and information that cause disconnection from who you really are, and then recharge and fill that space with the Infinite energy of life and bright consciousness.

Anyone with a normal brain can CONNECT with Pineal Gland Meditation and experience That Power.

Open to: Participants pre-requisite who completed 'Self Re-Awakening' Workshop.

Suggested: Loose comfortable training clothes .

Price: 200 QAR

For more, please call +974 3080 2626

All of us have the power to create the life that we want and change the world into a better place. But in order to use that power, your consciousness must be awake.

When you focus on your inner world to feel and connect with your self, you can find your absolute value beyond comparisons and judgment. People who have found that value are able to live their authentic lives, not the lives dictated or expected by society or other people. To do this you need to "take back your brain."

To fully utilise the power of the brain and the Pineal Gland. A suggestion would be taking a different perspective on the brain. Rather than seeing the brain only as an Anatomical organ, see it as the embodiment of human character. You could say that your brain is the Holistic Expression of your physical, mental and spiritual essence. Therefore, being connected with your brain means meeting with your essential nature.

Once your insight has been awakened through Pineal Gland Meditation, you'll realise that seemingly separate, isolated things are actually or connected. You'll perceive things you couldn't see before and by looking at yourself, others, and the world with the broader perspective, your empathy, understanding and tolerance will grow.

With eyes that see connection and Unity, you'll find solutions to problems caused by looking at the world as a place of separation and isolation.

Experiencing this new consciousness, opening these new eyes, is truly a fundamental solution to our problems. When you awaken to that one great thing, you'll also develop the power to find solutions to other, more trivial problems.

New "CONNECT" Class Flow will include:

- Connecting with the Body

Methods to connect with the partner of the soul, the body can include

- Tapping,

- Belly Button Healing,

- Mind-Body Mindful Sensitization

- Connecting with Your Soul

Methods to feel Soul Energy in the Heart can include

- Jigam, Energy Meditation & Sensitization

- Healing Words Meditation

- Letting Go Meditation

- Healing Sound Meditation

- Connecting with Your Pineal Gland, Consciousness & Spirit

Methods to connect her can include

- Accupressure Stimulation

- Activating Brain Energy

- Visualization Meditation

- Consciousness & Breath Expansion

- Integrating new supporting Brain Information

Open to: Participants pre-requisite who completed 'Self Re-Awakening' Workshop.

Suggested: Loose comfortable training clothes .

Price: 200 QAR

For more, please call +974 3080 2626

Brain Education takes a comprehensive brain and evidence-based holistic approach looking at our mind's thoughts, heart's emotion, and body's behavior using Eastern Meridian Training & Philosophy as well as Western Neuro-Science. We make sure you walk out with a fuller understanding and guide about yourself.

يتعلق الأمر بفهم وتجربة ما يربط أجسادنا وأذهاننا. ويجيب على التساؤل حول لماذا في الغالب نفكر لكن لا نفعل

يتخذ ثقافة الذهن منهجًا شاملًا للذهن بالكامل ومبني على الأدلة بالنظر إلى أفكار أذهاننا ومشاعر قلوبنا وسلوك أجسادنا باستخدام تدريب وفلسفة خطوط الطول الشرقية وأيضًا العلوم العصبية الغربية. نتأكد من أنك تخرج مع فهم وإرشاد عن نفسك على

تُدار بواسطة خبراء كوريين وأمريكيين معتمدين في التدريب والممارسة، لديهم ما يقارب 20 عامًا من الخبرة.

متاح: متطلب سابق - ورشة صحوة النفس

مقترح: ملابس واسعة ومريحة للتمرين.

السعر: 200 ريال قطري

للمزيد من المعلومات اتصل على

+974 3080 2626

Contact Email
Contact Name
Master Mohammed AZ
Contact Phone
End Date
25.2851593, 51.5560008
‘CONNECT’: Pineal Grand (6th Chakra) Training & Meditation *LADIES*
Organization Name
BE-ME Brain Education Middle East
Start Date
Spa at Sharq Village, Ras Bu Abboud Street، Doha, Qatar