Company Initiatives: RECYCLE • Used plastic bottles will be collected from all the Nehmeh locations and showrooms. • Proceeds of the collectibles will go to charitable deeds. REUSE • Used sheets of paper will be collected from all the Nehmeh locations and showrooms. • Collected sheets will be bound and repurposed into notebooks for office reusing. REDUCE • During the week-long initiative, an “Energy-Saving Nehmeh Products” awareness will be held. • Certain Nehmeh locations will have a corner that’s dedicated for showcasing the Nehmeh products that have lower energy requirements when used. • On the Thursday of the week-long initiative, a “1 Hour Without Power” event will be held. • From 1PM – 2PM, all the lights and ACs in the Nehmeh Head Office will be turned off except the Anton Commitment Hall. • The first 30 minutes will be spent as a lunch break, while the next 30 minutes will be spent by having a Sustainability Awareness Session.

Contact Email
Contact Name
Lianne Tamayo / Jessa Bansil
Contact Phone
55845874 / 33343794
End Date
25.274664810019, 51.522019207478
Organization Name
Nehmeh Corporation
Start Date
Submission ID
Nehmeh Head Office, Bldg. 175, Handasa Street, B-Ring P.O.Box 99