Deputy Director, United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health

Manzoor Qadir is an environmental scientist with over 30 years of experience working on water-related sustainable development through contributions to policy, institutional, and technical aspects of unconventional water resources, wastewater-related resource recovery and safe reuse, water quality, environmental health, salt-induced land degradation assessment and rehabilitation, and water and food security under changing climate. Manzoor has implemented multidisciplinary projects with significant capacity development and knowledge-sharing components in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

At UNU-INWEH, Manzoor leads global projects on promoting unconventional water resources for water-scarce areas and accelerating the implementation of water-related SDGs. Manzoor has contributed to major international research consortia and initiatives, including the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture; International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development; Global Wastewater Initiative, UN-Water Task Force on Unconventional Water Resources, and SDG 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation.

Before joining UNU-INWEH in Canada, Manzoor previously held senior professional positions at the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Visiting Professor at Justus-Liebig University, Germany; and Associate Professor at the University of Agriculture, Pakistan. He has authored over 200 peer- reviewed science and policy-relevant publications.