1-  Lights Off, the lights to be off in the whole building during the week (except the necessary lights for CCTV).

2-  Paperless Week, one full week without papers, later after November 3rd will be printing papers in both sides if needed, then will collect all papers and send them for recycling.

3-  Glasses for Water, no bottles to be used during this week and we will use glasses instead and later after November 3rd will collect all plastic bottles and send them for recycling and for the water left we will be watering the plants in the building.

4-  No Coffee No Tea, will not serve coffee or tea during this week, the employees will be bringing their own hot drink with them from home in mugs, just for Qatar Sustainability Week period.

5-  Dry Bathroom, we will reduce the use of water in the bathroom and employees will use dryer machines instead of tissues (one week mandatory and optional after November 3rd).

6-  No Unnecessary Electricity, all unnecessary electricity to be off during this week such as printers and TV’s etc...

7-  Walk the Stairs, our employees will not be using the elevator in this whole week as a support for the sport & sustainability.

Contact Email
Contact Name
Nawaf Khalil Ibrahem
Contact Phone
End Date
25.267129931273, 51.438063383102
QSW in Football Development Department
Organization Name
Qatar Football Association - Football Development Department
Start Date
Dental City Center (Aspire), Doha, Qatar