Les Roses Real Estate, OCS and Dragon Animal Care Center have joined forces to create a new educational and entertainment program to Les Roses tenants which will include various activities on different dates that will take place over the next months. These activities include but are not limited to :

1-Educational sessions to Les Roses compounds residents on how to deal with stray animals and how to control cat/dogs population

2-Enhancement of our ongoing TNR programs (Trap Neuter and Return) through education and demonstrations

3-Adoption camps

4-Activities and pets friendly games and competition

5-Nutrition advise and training sessions

On October 31st, 2018 we are pleased to present the 1st edition of our Sustainable Animal Welfare Program, The Lucas a.ka. Logan Tour featuring Dragons Animal Care Center's specially trained dog who will perform for the public. Full introduction to the program will be done on that day among other awareness related activities. These activities are free and are meant to create the much needed awareness to achieve sustainable harmony by safely controlling stray animal’s population.

We welcome QGBC to join us in this journey of creating synergies between us, other species and the environment.

Contact Email
Contact Name
Susana Garcia del Toro
Contact Phone
End Date
25.2636149, 51.4619039
Sustainable Animal Welfare Program
Organization Name
Les Roses Real Estate
Start Date
Les Roses 1 Compound, Doha, Qatar